MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2016

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2016
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Building a Shared Platform for Digital Rights Campaigners #621

Open mozfest-bot opened 7 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 7 years ago

[ ID ] 1262f4f4-0e2f-41e6-a14c-f72fbd29e2c9

[ Submitter's Name ] Steve Anderson [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] NewMode in collaboration with OpenMedia [ Submitter's Twitter ] @Steve_Media

[ Space ] movement [ Secondary Space ] exhibit

[ Format ] learning-lab, fireside


Copyright and other key digital policy battles require ongoing online engagement tools from organizations that are often under-resourced or don’t have all the technical tools they need. What if we could solve this problem together, creating a open source “toolkit” of organizing tools -- from “click to call” your representative to automated letters to the editor -- that all of us can share?

NewMode, in collaboration with OpenMedia and other open Internet advocates, wants to develop a digital rights campaign platform that provides advocates across the board with affordable access to advanced online advocacy tools. The platform will make use of OpenMedia’s tested stack of engagement tools, which have already been used in some of the world’s largest open Internet campaigns.

In this session, we’ll lay out the current vision for the campaign platform, then engage in interactive demos that allow participants to get their hands on OpenMedia’s existing tools, like our “Click to Target,” “Click to Call,” and “Automated Letter to the Editor” tools. Participants will then help shape the platform’s future, providing feedback, sharing ideas for feature requests and wishlists, and contributing to the roadmap and next steps.


Financial and volunteer resources often amass during key battles to produce an effective online advocacy tool. But these tools often lack a lasting development plan to maintain them for the next battle. Even in key moments, it’s often only the most well-resourced organizations are able to make use of advanced tools, with smaller civil society organizations and individual advocates forced to rely on infrastructure from larger organizations. Our session will start by inviting participants to identify the main challenges they experience in the ongoing work to engage Internet users in advocating for an open Internet. We will then lay out the current vision for the platform, demo tools in their current form, facilitate a discussion to shape the development roadmap going forward, and lay out opportunities for participants to try out the tools and contribute to the development of the platform. More specifics about the current vision for the platform can be found below.


We’ll start by laying out the current vision for the platform and follow up with a 15 minute break-out of smaller groups using a “World Cafe” style format for discussion and demos. The rest of the session will be open presentation/forum style. We will also be available for one-on-one or small group demos, training or discussion after the session, and by appointment throughout the festival. If we have a smaller-sized group of participants, we’ll devote more time to answer and work with specific technical questions and dig into the current version of the software in more depth. In short: if it's a larger group, we'll keep it higher level and facilitate break-out groups to enable dialogue. If it's smaller, we'll read the room and potentially dig deeper based on the interest of the participants.


Our session will help inform a roadmap for the shared platform for digital rights campaigners. Participants will be invited to stay looped in and continue to contribute to the development of the platform. We plan to bring the roadmap and beta tools facilitated through our session at MozFest to the Internet Freedom Festival, where we will collect input from key stakeholders for the next phase of the project.

Participants will also come away with an overview of advanced online campaigning tools and best practices for online engagement.

Those on the front lines in the battle over copyright reform and other threats to the open Internet have often put cutting edge technology to use to engage Internet users with great success. (e.g., ACTA in the EU, the SOPA Strike in the US). Our hope is that our digital rights campaign platform will help facilitate many more victories for the open Internet.

OpenMatt commented 7 years ago
OpenMatt commented 7 years ago

Steve also want to call out, the specific advocacy tools you're most focused on with your platform right now (and have already shipped in beta version) are:

And that participants in the session would help brainstorm and contribute to the roadmap. In terms of: setting future priorities / tool ideas / feature requests, etc.

Do I have that right?

The-Steve-Anderson commented 7 years ago

Yup but I think by that time we'll also have an alpha of a "Tweet to Target" tool. That could be a good one to include because it would easier than some tools to make work across many jurisdictions.

And yes correct on contributing to a roadmap. How do participants feel about these initial tools? Are there features or configurations missing? Are there other tools that would be useful in their work?