MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2016

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2016
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Helping African journalists find 'reliable' data sources #796

Open mozfest-bot opened 8 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 8 years ago

[ ID ] 3a30fef7-30c4-4bfc-92e8-2328b0937398

[ Submitter's Name ] Peter Cunliffe-Jones [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Africa Check [ Submitter's Twitter ] @pcunliffejones

[ Space ] journalism

[ Format ] learning-lab

Description is the continent's leading fact-checking website. Based in South Africa, our team of journalists and researchers spend hours working with data sources to prepare reports. They are also now regularly contacted by journalists asking for help in finding "reliable" data on a wide range of topics. We built a simple tool, on our site, to set out data sources we think useful (not always reliable) and explain pros & cons, but want to share ideas - with both journalists/researchers and UX specialists - about how best to develop this to meet journalists needs.

I want ideas about : what sort of information the group thinks people want - how we should set it out - how to make it most easily searchable - how to manage such a database with limited resources - and how we can point out the strengths and weaknesses we see in it as researchers.


In the first 15 minutes, I would demonstrate the platform we have set up, and perhaps reference other initiatives by other fact-checking sites, and ask the participants to share their thoughts, working through:

(a) whether they would see this as a potentially useful tool, [the answer 'no' is fine]


(b) ideas for how we might develop it to make it more useful to journalists and researchers - exploring various issues from what sort of information sources to include, presentation, search and maintenance of such a database.

I see this as being a group of 6-8 participants (ideally) to allow for a really useful conversation.


I think that to have a well structured useful session it would be best to have a relatively small group - of 6-8 participants.

I have a counterpart at UK fact-checking site FullFact which is working on developing a similar tool themselves, and others at a fact-checking site in Argentina (Chequeado),

I think they would be useful participants, along with both experience of working as journalists/reseachers in Africa or elsewhere, and people with UX experience.

My aim would be to spend the first 15 minutes explaining how we have now works, and then work through the different questions I see for how to make this useful... seeking feedback


I will review our plan the development of the 'Info- Finder' tool, based on this feedback, and would hope that other fact-checking organisations present could take the same lessons forward.

ryanpitts commented 8 years ago

Journalism accepting this session.