MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2017

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2017
80 stars 14 forks source link

Smart Blockchain Indie Film Distribution, and the Internet Of Things. #114

Open mozfest-bot opened 7 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 7 years ago

[ UUID ] 3f4867ea-c58d-456d-939e-c2650d2461e0

[ Submitter's Name ] Kristian Van der Heyden [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Harald House Belgium BVBA

What will happen in your session?

With a sense of humor, I will share my frustrations about film distribution. Film is a strange product! It costs millions of dollars to make, has zero physical value, and is instantly copied and shared (without cost or permission)... the worst product in the world. Yet, there is no lack of demand.The average american watches 5000 movies in a lifetime. That is one trillion guaranteed sales. I want a piece.. but after distributors, aggregators, marketing, 90% of profit is gone, if any. Many see blockchains as an important stepping stone toward the Internet of Things, a decentralisation that brings creator, seller, buyer closer together. I will share my R&D with the audience and ask for feedback.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

To go home wiser than I came, and to wish the same for others. I am no expert on blockchains, Internet of Things, and I don't know to program any code. But I know what I want and need for my own company and the film Industry. So by reaching out and giving a session on film distribution, I hope to get a response, to get people involved to help shape the future for creators and let them be the driving force of technology. I hope that there will be people in the room with expertise and/or interest in applying blockchain and Internet Of Things to filmmaking and distribution of film

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

I do not need anything. But if there is the possibility of connecting my laptop to a big screen, I will want to know, because I am going to use it.

Time needed

less than 60 mins

timcowlishaw commented 7 years ago

Hi there Kristian,

I like this very much indeed. We've had a lot of blockchain proposals but they've all been solidly technical and I like that this is very much grounded in the use of blockchain for an interesting, creative, application. It'd be helpful to understand how you imagine the future of film distribution might work, assisted by blockchain tech, and how you plan to involve participants in the discussion? Perhaps a workshop-type format might work well for this, rather than an open-ended discussion, if you want to work towards a more concrete idea of future possibilities? If this sounds interesting am happy to provide guidance on how to facilitate this.

Tagging @cubicgarden for his feedback also.



cubicgarden commented 7 years ago

Love to put this alongside or next to #561 think theres plenty of cross over

kristiankvam commented 6 years ago

some thoughts

A collegial company named T-mining, near the harbor of Antwerp is integrating blockchain for the shipping container industry.

For me there are similarities in the film industry.

instead of shipping containers loaded with pre-sold bulk goods, films have limitless re-sell value, and no physical trace, until someone decides to burn it on a DVD. Which ANYONE can do, creating a new product. That is also interesting to think about.

Films can be pre-sold in bulk with other films, adding a partner in the rights-to-profit, who then jumps first in line in revenue for said territory. For example Wal-Mart might pick up a film that was already released, and decide to license a bulk, adding costs to produce DVDs, and requesting a revenue share. And then Wal-Mart sells their license to another store-chain or an online platform.

We need the ability to integrate new things as we move along, because we'll never be able to set up a fully functional decentralised system from the gecko because we simply don't know the specifics of how new partners will become partners in the first place. How does this work in blockchain?

How can we convince thousands of film distributors, theatre chains, producers, to trade in their old system of trust for something as defining, unknown, and disruptive as blockchain, giving up their control in favour of a decentralised system.

The right network would allow us to respond instantly to the embedded marketing information as sales come in. Normally producer do not have this kind of access to reports.

The big film companies do extensive and expensive marketing research to get some clue on how a movie is going to perform, and they still often completely miss the market. As independent filmmakers we are simply doing a lot of guesswork based on flimsy research.

I think for the future, if blockchain were fully integrated into the film industry and movie licensing, we would see middle men disappear, profit distributed more easily and fairly, and new marketing potential. Also, it could open op an entire new market of digital sales, where an individual becomes a distributor by simple picking digital products they like and sharing them through social media. I have this idea of fan pages, where customers run their own "netflix" of favorite films and rent out movies to other friends - because in a decentralised system, it does not matter who distributes films anymore, as long as your are able to sell, and have access to products, you can become a distributor. It is a reversed world we are barreling towards, without distributor authority.

dvigneshwer commented 6 years ago

Hi @kristiankvam

As MozFest is approaching we require the following information from your end to better support your session in the Decentralization learning forum space. You can get back to us by replying to this issue or emailing us directly, whichever communication channel is convenient to you.

  1. Please confirm that you will be able to attend Mozfest 17
  2. Provide us a brief outline of your session topics and time estimates
  3. Does your session require any additional materials or electronic equipment other than a projector and general office stationery?
  4. Please let us know if you want to make any modification to your session proposal

Thank you! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.