MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2017

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2017
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AI Voice Assistants and the Web #210

Open mozfest-bot opened 7 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 7 years ago

[ UUID ] c56faedd-39d6-437e-b659-7c1251d2b8d6

[ Session Name ] AI Voice Assistants and the Web [ Primary Space ] Digital Inclusion [ Secondary Space ] Privacy and Security

[ Submitter's Name ] Peter O'Shaughnessy [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Samsung [ Submitter's Github ] poshaughnessy

[ Additional facilitators ] Diego González,TBC, we're hoping to have a collaborator from another organisation too

What will happen in your session?

The session would start with an introduction/proposition: could 'AI' voice assistants (Cortana, Bixby, Google Assistant, Siri etc) help power our interactions with the web?

We would introduce ways that assistants are already commonly integrated with browsers, e.g. search. What if they could also navigate, read content and fill out forms for you? If your assistant and browser were integrated further, would that be useful? Concerning? Could they bring accessibility benefits beyond current screen readers?

We would ask participants to group together and sketch ideas. What kind of commands and interactions would their ideal assistant allow? How would it protect your privacy? We would ask the groups to share their thoughts, collate the themes and address questions via discussion.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Ideally we would come away with a set of ideas, designs and remaining unanswered questions, covering how AI assistants can/should interact with web browsers. We will share the results for further discussion after the event. For organisations developing assistants, this would help us to take into account web users’ needs and concerns.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

Just the office supplies (paper, pens, post-it notes) should be fine.

Time needed

60 mins

sedgwickkm commented 7 years ago

Following this one.

evanp commented 7 years ago

This is really interesting to me! One thing I find important is having more of a two-way interaction with voice assistants. None of them allow me to update data, add new programs or alter existing programs. It'd be nice to have hackable voice assistants.

kenyatta1 commented 7 years ago

This proposal has progressed to our next phase of deliberation! We will be following up shortly.

kenyatta1 commented 7 years ago

@poshaughnessy Congratulations! We are very happy to announce that we have accepted your session at the festival this year! We will be in touch with additional information in the coming weeks.

poshaughnessy commented 7 years ago

Thanks @kenyatta1! Look forward to discussing it further.

poshaughnessy commented 7 years ago

Hello @kenyatta1, I am pleased to say that @patrickhlauke, Senior Accessibility Engineer from the Paciello Group, can join us as a facilitator for this session!

We are also just speaking with some Mozillians from the Voice Fill team to see if there's someone else we should include too. (I understand there is a limit on the number of facilitators who can receive tickets for the festival - don't worry, if we are including anyone else, either they'll have a ticket already, or Diego and/or I could make sure we have entry from the other sessions we're facilitating, or we could buy tickets!)

I hope to fill out the spreadsheet with our details today!

poshaughnessy commented 7 years ago

I'm also pleased to say that we're hoping @mikehenrty from Mozilla will be able to join us too! Subject to timing as he will be facilitating another session too.

I just filled out the spreadsheet.

/me is getting excited!