MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2017

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2017
80 stars 14 forks source link

Why privacy matters? #345

Closed mozfest-bot closed 7 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 7 years ago

[ UUID ] f242ba14-6fd5-451a-9c4b-53156fd076cc

[ Session Name ] Why privacy matters? [ Primary Space ] Privacy and Security [ Secondary Space ] Decentralization

[ Submitter's Name ] Viral Parmar [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Mozilla India [ Submitter's Github ] @veerskyfire

[ Additional facilitators ] Mehul Patel

What will happen in your session?

I will cover the topics briefly as followed with interactive demo in session: How our privacy is compromised?, What are issues we face regarding privacy in day to day life?, Broadband Policy, Net Neutrality, Data brokers, Why medical records is important to hackers, How our Bio-metrics are being weaponized-Social Security Number/ADHAR card, Our rights and policy in Human rights act 1998, Why encryption is important?, What are the secure way of communication to maintain privacy?, Cyber disorder – Social Media Addiction, Netiquettes – etiquette for netizen, Grooming, Issues related with cyber stalking, cyber harassment and cyber bullying, How digital life effect the Real life ?, How to prevent cyber-crime?, How to be secure while surfing the internet and protect your identity?

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Our focus will be to aware people about why our privacy matters? what are the precaution we can take to secure it, our right to privacy, secure communication channels like TOR and After attending this session people will come to know about how their privacy is compromised every day, how it happens due to mass surveillance, data brokers, 3rd party apps and how to prevent such data leakage. How social media is affecting our real life, what would be the prevention we can take to protect our digital identity and will share many real life case studies of cyber-crime with whom people will relate easily to better understand the scenario of cyber disorder and map the privacy issue using sketch notes.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

I will showing this tools for demo: Light Beam, VPN, proxys, password manager, ghostery, telegram, duckduckgo,, TOR, proton mail, mailvelope, signal, WOT, Virustotal, privacy badger, Observatory, https everywhere,,,, so every attendee must have their laptops with them during the session and i will require projector, a good internet connection, sticky notes, sketch notes paper with pens.

Time needed

90 mins

thedevankit commented 7 years ago

It's great idea to talk about privacy. Generally people focusing on security but they don't know about privacy. We have to talk on this topic as it's one of the burning issue.

sumedmistry commented 7 years ago

this is an excellent idea for giving a tech talk on the topic - privacy.By this talk we can get more knowledge.

risbansal commented 7 years ago

Great talk idea! Covers all aspects of privacy and security well.

NilimaC04 commented 7 years ago

It is mandatory for Protectors of Internet like us to make the general public aware about day to day privacy compromises that are made by them and providing guidelines and remedies on the same lines.And this session indeed does the job.

bunnybooboo commented 7 years ago

Privacy and Security have decided to not take on your proposal @veerskyfire. Freeing up the milestone so others can now openly consider it.

mozfest-bot commented 7 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to submit a session to MozFest. Due to the high level of submissions, we’re unable to accept all proposals and unfortunately, your session was not part of the final group.

Thank you for taking the time to submit and we will follow up on email very soon.