MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2017

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2017
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Machina a machina: An introduction to APIs through Google Sheets #498

Open mozfest-bot opened 7 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 7 years ago

[ UUID ] 161522cd-1779-4dd0-b2d7-b307de04bcda

[ Session Name ] Machina a machina: An introduction to APIs through Google Sheets [ Primary Space ] Web Literacy [ Secondary Space ] Privacy and Security

[ Submitter's Name ] Martin Hawksey [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Independent [ Submitter's Github ] @mhawksey

[ Additional facilitators ] TBC

What will happen in your session?

In this workshop participants will have an opportunity to learn about Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). An API is essentially an interface that can be used to retrieve or interact with another application. Many popular online services offer such interfaces, for example Twitter, Flickr and many open source tools like WordPress. Using Google Sheets participants will have a opportunity to learn how to access and use APIs from a relative familiarity of a spreadsheet. Starting by using Google Sheets built-in formula participants will learn how to import and query data. From there more advance techniques will be introduced including writing API calls.

Modified from CC-BY Owen Stephens

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

The goal of this session is for participants to see the usefulness and the empowerment of APIs, gaining practical skills in API wrangling which they can build upon in their own projects. As well as the opportunities of APIs this session will hopefully also highlight privacy and security issues such as the availability of data from services like Twitter. See how much data is easily accessible from APIs will hopefully allow participants to make more informed decisions about the type of information they share.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

I’ll be bringing my own laptop so a data projector is all that is needed. As this workshop is based on using Google Sheets participants should be advised that to fully participate they should bring their own laptop and if not already create a Google account. For participants without laptops or unwilling to create a Google account they will be able to follow progress from what is displayed via the data projector or if other participants with laptops are happy by pairing up.

Time needed

60 mins

flukeout commented 7 years ago

Thank you for submitting your proposal @mhawksey! I wanted to double-check about the travel stipend: Are you able to attend without, or is the stipend absolutely required for you to come to Mozfest? Let me know, thank you!

mhawksey commented 7 years ago

Hi @flukeout - not absolutely required. The is another funder I can apply to, failing that I'd look into self funding

chadsansing commented 7 years ago

Would be especially interested in open applications, places like etherpad or GH where API lists and tutorials could be stores and shared outside Google ecosystem.

mhawksey commented 7 years ago

@chadsansing hopefully the relative familiarity of a spreadsheet provides a stepping stone for a deeper dive into this area ... a session I was keen to offer having seen recent posts on @apievangelist

edovio commented 7 years ago

Hello @mhawksey - We are very happy to announce you that we have decided to accept your session at the festival this year! Congratulations! 🎉 You'll receive soon news about how move forward with your proposal

mhawksey commented 7 years ago

Hi @edovio - great news! I know there were a tonne of mozfest proposals this year so thanks for the opportunity to run this session. Look forward to hearing more in due course

mhawksey commented 7 years ago

I was asked to confirm my presence - wasn't sure how so confirming here :)

edovio commented 7 years ago

Hello @mhawksey, Thanks for your confirmation :)

jonathanprozzi commented 7 years ago

Hello @mhawksey! As MozFest is approaching we’re asking that you reply to the issue with an outline of the topics or activities for your session. You don’t need to send your slidedeck to us, but if you could please reply to this issue with an outline of the topics and time estimates for your session that would be great. Thank you! Please let us know if you have any questions.

mhawksey commented 7 years ago

Hi @jonathanprozzi,

Here's my suggested outline:

Intro [talk + Q&A] - 5mins

Hands on Intro to Google Sheets Data Import Formulas [step-by-step guide] - 15 mins

Introduction to the Flickr API [step-by-step guide] - 20mins

Making things with APIs [depending on time left step-by-step together or I'll give a demo] - 15mins

Wrapping up - 5 mins

Welcome feedback if this misses the mark

edovio commented 7 years ago

Dear Facilitators, we are happy to share with you the MozFest facilitators 2017 Guide at the Link: It is also important to sign in here: for the coaching session, that helps you in your facilitation role! :)

flukeout commented 7 years ago

Thanks very much for the outline @mhawksey!

flukeout commented 7 years ago

@mhawksey - we've created the first version of the Web Literacy Space schedule for the weekend and wanted you to have a look...

Please take a few minutes to locate your session (I've had to abbreviate the session names) and let us know if you have any questions or if there are any reasons that you cannot host your session during the chosen time (like a travel conflict or another session you are hosting at the same time). Please comment in this issue and and include @flukeout to get my attention.

We'll be finalizing the schedule next week and updating the Guidebook app that attendees will use during the festival.


edovio commented 7 years ago

Hello @mhawksey , I need to ask you to give me the Email contact of all the additional Facilitators in your Session. You can send me by Email at the address: Thanks you & see you at the MozFest!!!

mhawksey commented 7 years ago

Hi @flukeout - don't think there are any problems with that scheduling (I'm co-facilitator on - but don't think draft prog. is out for that space )

flukeout commented 7 years ago

@mhawksey - good to hear. If you could please post in that issue about this session time, that would be great and could help to avoid conflicts with their scheduling. Thanks!

flukeout commented 7 years ago

Howdy @mhawksey - I'm writing to see if you'd be interested in helping out with the Thimble Zone. I'm trying to organize a few folks with HTML, CSS & JS skills who would like to demo mozilla's Thimble Editor. We'll have a few laptops set up with a sign and it would be great if we had a few volunteers to introduce people to it as well as get them started on some kind of beginner-friendly projects (or any ideas you may have).

If you're interested, let me know, and please also jump into the Etherpad and add your name and interest. I've also started a #thimble-zone channel in the Mozfest slack. Let me know if you have any questions!

mhawksey commented 7 years ago

@flukeout happy to contribute - I'll have a think if there is a thimble example that links with Google Sheets ;)

flukeout commented 7 years ago

@mhawksey Due to screw-up by yours truly, I've had to rearrange the Saturday schedule a little bit and your session is now an hour later, from 15:15 - 16:15. I hope that's OK! I've updated it in Guidebook.

mhawksey commented 7 years ago

@flukeout unfortunately that directly clashes with another session I'm co-facilitating :( Any chance of another time on Saturday?

flukeout commented 7 years ago

@mhawksey Sure yeah, let me look around and I'll get back to you. Hopefully we can trade your slot with another session that day. Thanks for letting me know and apologies.

jonathanprozzi commented 7 years ago

Hello @mhawksey, we've scheduled your session for the 2 oclock block. Are you around? Apologies for the last minute communication.