MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2017

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2017
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Crowd2Map... anything! How to start a grassroots world-changing project with a shoestring budget #684

Open mozfest-bot opened 7 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 7 years ago

[ UUID ] 0c7c1fe1-9556-47f2-9b17-734824c7efa2

[ Session Name ] Crowd2Map... anything! How to start a grassroots world-changing project with a shoestring budget [ Primary Space ] Digital Inclusion [ Secondary Space ] Web Literacy

[ Submitter's Name ] Egle Marija Ramanauskaite [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Human Computation Institute [ Submitter's Github ] seplute

[ Facilitator 2 Name ] Janet Chapman [ Facilitator 2 Github ] @janetchapman [ Facilitator 2 Twitter ] @jachapman82 [ Facilitator 3 Name ] Gábor Bakos [ Facilitator 3 Github ] ❓ [ Facilitator 3 Twitter ] @bakosgabor [ Facilitator 4 Name ] Laurynas Pasakarnis

What will happen in your session?

The session will consist of two parts. First, through storytelling, we will describe how the Crowd2Map Tanzania project was created - by accident - during Mozfest 2015. In two years it grew into a grassroots project with 1000+ volunteers that makes a difference in Tanzania. All with limited resources, local challenges and a shoestring budget. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and participate in an organic discussion. Secondly, based on participants’ own ideas, we will run a practical workshop & do some of the first steps of setting up a project, i.e. at least one of the following: set up a blog, a Facebook page and/or a mailing list, so the projects can begin growing the community right away.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

The main goal of the session is to share good practices of the Crowd2Map Tanzania project and demonstrate how easy it can be to begin a grassroots project & run it. Especially if you start with community building. Participants will leave the session with some of first steps of setting up the project already achieved, so they can get a head start in growing their project. They will have gained practical advice and inspiration to bring their projects forward.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

Just a projector and office supplies.

Time needed

90 mins

bunnybooboo commented 7 years ago

looping myself in to follow this proposal

janetchapman commented 7 years ago

Would be amazing to link in with community mappers on the ground in Tanzania (or even have one of them with us in London)

kenyatta1 commented 7 years ago

@bunnybooboo are you interested in this proposal?

kenyatta1 commented 7 years ago

This proposal has progressed to our next phase of deliberation! We will be following up shortly.

janetchapman commented 7 years ago

Great, thank you, and please let us know if you want any more information.

bunnybooboo commented 7 years ago

@kenyatta1 I've personally known Janet's Crowd2Map project for some time due to my regular volunteering with Missing Maps. In all honesty I'd love to be able to devote an entire space for the whole weekend to have attendees get stuck into some humanitarian mapping. However, P&S don't feel it matches our narrative and we've already got to cut a further 75 from our deliberation process.

It's a real tough one to me. The assistance of personal security against FGM, bridging off-grid to regular global volunteer events, educating local communities in open source tech (OSM), the leveraging of these networks into more recent projects, building trust with local/national/international sectors, alignment with internet health, and even the UN SDG's. It's rather massive on current impact and possibility, and this makes it real hard to slot!

kenyatta1 commented 7 years ago

@seplute Congratulations! We are very happy to announce that we have accepted your session at the festival this year! We will be in touch with additional information in the coming weeks.

seplute commented 6 years ago

Thanks @kenyatta1 !

I'd like to add two co-facilitators & here's full facilitator info: [ Facilitator 1 Name ] Egle Marija Ramanauskaite [ Facilitator 1 Github ] @seplute [ Facilitator 1 Twitter ] @seplute [ Facilitator 2 Name ] Janet Chapman [ Facilitator 2 Github ] @janetchapman [ Facilitator 2 Twitter ] @jachapman82 [ Facilitator 3 Name ] Gábor Bakos [ Facilitator 3 Github ] :question: [ Facilitator 3 Twitter ] @BakosGabor

kenyatta1 commented 6 years ago

@seplute updated!

seplute commented 6 years ago

update @kenyatta1: [ Facilitator 4 Name ] Laurynas Pasakarnis [ Facilitator 4 Github ] :question: [ Facilitator 4 Twitter ] :question:

Also a question - since I already have a ticket (I am running two other sessions as well) - is there a chance to reimburse the tickets for the facilitators 2-4 on this session?

Also - when can we expect to hear about our session time? :) since I have other sessions in other spaces... thank you!

kenyatta1 commented 6 years ago

@seplute Greetings! I've updated the facilitators. Have you participated in the digital inclusion facilitators call? Leah sent an email with additional information to all DI facilitators. Please let me know if you have not received it and I can get that to you ASAP! "MozFest: Facilitator guide, coaching + google form submissions"

In terms of scheduling. @hannahkane can assist with any questions or concerns you have.

@Saallen can support with questions regarding ticket reimbursement.

hannahkane commented 6 years ago

hey @seplute - your session is currently scheduled for Sunday from 11am to 12pm.

seplute commented 6 years ago

hi @kenyatta1 & @hannahkane - thanks much for your answers!

@kenyatta1 nope - I have not received that email :( could you send it to thanks much!!