MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2017

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2017
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Changing the scientific publishing ecosystem: preprints and beyond #757

Open mozfest-bot opened 7 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 7 years ago

[ UUID ] eb7805be-dd74-4794-95e2-5aea97a9132e

[ Session Name ] Changing the scientific publishing ecosystem: preprints and beyond [ Primary Space ] Open Innovation [ Secondary Space ] Digital Inclusion

[ Submitter's Name ] Samantha Hindle [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] University of California, San Francisco [ Submitter's Github ] @SamanthaHindle

[ Additional facilitators ] Daniela Saderi

What will happen in your session?

After stating our CoC, we will use a short interactive survey to assess participants’ level of preprint awareness. We will start by showing a Youreka Science video explaining preprints and their usefulness for scientific advancement, followed by updates on the status of preprints in biology, and then open the floor for questions. In our next segment, “Think BIG”, we will ask participants, "What is your vision for how research is communicated and rewarded in the future?" We hope to inspire participants to think BIG about alternatives to the current publishing system. We will conclude by presenting our Preprint Journal Club Starter Kit project to exemplify how an idea born during a Mozilla workshop can give rise to a collaborative project.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

According to a 2016 survey conducted by the scientist-driven preprint advocacy group ASAPbio, a whopping 91% of scientists expressed dissatisfaction with the current publishing system. As a result of ASAPbio’s efforts, preprints have become more widely adopted in the biological sciences, but there are still many scientists that are unaware or misinformed as to what preprints are and how they can benefit science. We aim to educate scientists about how preprints can revolutionize the way we communicate scientific progress, and promote the open access and open use of scientific research to aid rapid progression and collaboration within science.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

Our session does not require additional materials, but we may require additional time as we are hoping to organize a panel of representatives from different preprint stakeholders who are at MozFest or located in London, for example Naomi Penfold or Giuliano Maciocci from eLIFE, and Robert Kiley from the Wellcome Trust, as well as representatives from different career stages in academia. As we have not yet reached out to these stakeholders, we did not include this in our session plan above.

Time needed

60 mins

npscience commented 7 years ago

Fantastic session idea - it would be great to collaborate on this!

npscience commented 7 years ago

Dan whaley @dwhly from hypothesis has offered to give his view on annotating

KirstieJane commented 7 years ago

[ Facilitator 1 Name ] Samantha Hindle [ Facilitator 1 Github ] @SamanthaHindle [ Facilitator 1 Twitter ] @HindleSamantha [ Facilitator 2 Name ] Daniela Saderi [ Facilitator 2 Github ] @dasaderi [ Facilitator 2 Twitter ] @Neurosarda [ Facilitator 3 Name ] Naomi Penfold [ Facilitator 3 Github ] @npscience [ Facilitator 3 Twitter ] @eLifeInnovation [ Facilitator 4 Name ] Dan Whaley [ Facilitator 4 Github ] @dwhly [ Facilitator 4 Twitter ] @dwhly ‏


kaodro commented 7 years ago

Hi @SamanthaHindle , my name is Kasia and I work on Mozilla’s Internet Health Report. At Mozfest we will be present with an “Internet Research Hub” #618 (last comment) - an easy-going, cozy space for discussions and networking both with us about Internet Health and among researchers themselves.

We also invite anyone who does work in an Internet research field to sign up and present their work at a couple of open display tables we will have in the hub. If you would like to present something in the Hub in addition to your official session, let me know! We will promote these sessions throughout the festival. You can sign up spontaneously with pen and paper on site or if you would like to save a spot beforehand, drop me an email at with a short description of the session.

In any case, I would like to invite you to pass by the Hub and say hi. We will start with an informal "Research and coffee grinder” get-together at the beginning of the festival where people can get to know each other. Space and exact schedule for the Hub are still being decided and I will update you once we know the details. Hope to see you there!

SamanthaHindle commented 7 years ago

Hi @kaodro, this sounds like a really nice way to connect with researchers about the impact of the internet on their work. We would love to stop by and, if you have space for us, run a mini-session about how posting preprints freely online can positively impact researchers. We would also love to do a demo of our recently launched platform Let me know if you have any questions. You can write them here or email both myself and @dasaderi at Thank you again for your invite and we look forward to meeting you. ❤️