MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2017

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2017
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Fighting Fake News in the Library #766

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 67a05cc4-b933-438d-9b0d-258750293a68

[ Session Name ] Fighting Fake News in the Library [ Primary Space ] Web Literacy

[ Submitter's Name ] Sarah Morris [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Nucleus Learning Network [ Submitter's Github ] @secmorris

What will happen in your session?

Fake news is a hot topic. But fake news itself is not new, and librarians have been combating fake news for years. With a longstanding focus on supporting information literacy, and a more recent focus on digital and media literacy, librarians have long helped people learn the skills they need to find, use, and create information. This session plans to bring librarians and partners together for a curriculum mapping session. Participants will explore a news and web literacy curriculum called Mission:Information. After an opening discussion about how librarians can, and do, combat fake news, participants will collaboratively map the Mission:Information curriculum to work happening in libraries and will develop plans to adapt and use the curriculum in libraries.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

This proposed session aims to be highly collaborative, participatory, and audience-driven. The main goals are, first, to introduce participants to issues and concerns related to fake news, and to examine how librarians work to combat fake news. The next goal is to give participants an opportunity to explore, and consider ways to use, an open-source news and web literacy curriculum called Mission:Information. Finally, the last goal is to engage participants in a curriculum mapping and brainstorming session where they can contribute their ideas and skills and work on mapping and adapting the curriculum for use in libraries. Participants will guide the direction of the session and determine the focus of the discussion and mapping and brainstorming sessions.

Time needed

60 mins

omnignorant commented 6 years ago

@phillipadsmith @anmechung @flukeout @hannahkane flagging for y'all to keep track of --> @secmorris Mission:Information curriculum.

phillipadsmith commented 6 years ago


phillipadsmith commented 6 years ago

@flukeout @emrysgreen Are you likely to include this one?

flukeout commented 6 years ago

We are planning to include it @phillipadsmith - will have all of the session choices finalized by EOD today.

edovio commented 6 years ago

Hello @secmorris - We are very happy to announce you that we have decided to accept your session at the festival this year! Congratulations! 🎉 You'll receive soon news about how move forward with your proposal

secmorris commented 6 years ago

@edovio Thank you! Just confirming that I will be at MozFest and am looking forward the session.

edovio commented 6 years ago

Thank for your confirmation @secmorris !!! :)

jonathanprozzi commented 6 years ago

Hello @secmorris! As MozFest is approaching we’re asking that you reply to this issue with an outline of the topics and activities for your session. A rough, bullet-point outline with time estimates would be ideal. Thank you and let us know if you have any questions.

secmorris commented 6 years ago

@jonathanprozzi Hello! Here's an outline with time estimates. Please let me know if you need any additional info!

Intros and Opening Discussion - 10 minutes will vary this accordingly based on attendee numbers Get attendees in small groups to discuss the following:

Mission:Information Project Intro - 10 minutes

Group Discussion and Brainstorming - 10 minutes

Group Work - 25- minutes

Wrap up - 5 minutes

edovio commented 6 years ago

Dear Facilitators, we are happy to share with you the MozFest facilitators 2017 Guide at the Link: It is also important to sign in here: for the coaching session, that helps you in your facilitation role! :)

flukeout commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the detailed summary @secmorris , looks great!

flukeout commented 6 years ago

Hello @secmorris - we've created the first version of the Web Literacy Space schedule for the weekend and wanted you to have a look...

Please take a few minutes to locate your session (I've had to abbreviate the session names) and let us know if you have any questions or if there are any reasons that you cannot host your session during the chosen time (like a travel conflict or another session you are hosting at the same time). Please comment in this issue and and include @flukeout to get my attention.

We'll be finalizing the schedule next week and updating the Guidebook app that attendees will use during the festival.
