MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2017

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2017
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Introduction to VR with A-Frame #805

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 7da4b45d-be5e-4a25-bdc1-6e9bf90c79b6

[ Session Name ] Introduction to VR with A-Frame [ Primary Space ] Youth Zone

[ Submitter's Name ] Hamdan Syed [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] CoderDojo [ Submitter's Github ] @louisdewar

[ Additional facilitators ] Louis de Wardt,Syed Shahriar

What will happen in your session?

The session will be run by Hamdan Syed, aged 11,and will give participants a basic introduction to creating VR apps with A-Frame along with a presentation of his own VR game created for Coderdojo Coolest Projects. With the assistance of his mentor Louis de Wardt, Hamdan will show a tool with which participants can work through during the session to create their own VR apps.

A bespoke platform utilizing A Frame will be used as the primary VR App creating tool - see github

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

By the end of the session all the participants should have a basic understanding of Mozilla's A-Frame and should have created their own project.

They will also gain access to the bespoke app and additional documentation, which they can use as they continue their VR journey.

Time needed

90 mins

EPIKhub commented 6 years ago

@louisdewar is this a replacement session for your math VR session or in addition?

louisdewar commented 6 years ago

@EPIKhub What math VR session? (P.S Sorry for late reply, only just saw this)

louisdewar commented 6 years ago

Do you mean Hamdan's VR maths game he made? He will be showing that off at the begining as an example project

EPIKhub commented 6 years ago

@louisdewar ok so this is to replace that session that was submitted and not in addition to it?

louisdewar commented 6 years ago

@EPIKhub I didn't submit the first one and I just found the one you're talking about #367 and yes I think this one replaces that

Thanks for your help :-) (EDIT: For some reason I mentioned the wrong person by accident woops!)

EPIKhub commented 6 years ago

@louisdewar @edrushka Fab! :) thanks for the clarification

EPIKhub commented 6 years ago

@louisdewar: I would also recommend your team come up with a session name that is not so technical and more fun if possible? :)

louisdewar commented 6 years ago

@EPIKhub Great idea! I'll talk to Hamdan about it

gbaman commented 6 years ago

@louisdewar any updates on an updated session title for this session?

gbaman commented 6 years ago

@louisdewar as well, does this session require attendees to bring their own equipment (laptop etc?)

gbaman commented 6 years ago

@louisdewar I have not had a YouthZone facilitator administration online form be completed for this session. It has been emailed out twice now over the past few weeks to the email address associated with this session. Could this please be filled in ASAP or this session may not be able to take place. If you have any issues completing the form or have actually already filled it in, please let us know.

louisdewar commented 6 years ago

Hey @gbamam, sorry I haven't responded sooner I believed that form should have been sent but I will catch up with the person who sorted that out very shortly. The attendees will not have to bring their own laptops as we can provide a reasonable number although if they have them they might as well bring them and still finalizing the decision on a title.

gbaman commented 6 years ago

@louisdewar great to hear on laptops. I still have not received any facilitators from this session having filled in the form.

We are not able to schedule this session without that information, so this session will be held back from being scheduled unless it is filled in ASAP.

I will also reiterate, that form must be filled in by all the facilitators involved in this session, not just the primary facilitator.

louisdewar commented 6 years ago

Hi @gbaman , I haven't been able to get in contact with the other person who originally organised this but could you send the forms to this address: --Email address removed-- and I will get them filled out by both me and Hamdan straight away.

gbaman commented 6 years ago

@louisdewar email sent, check your inbox