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WEBMAKER: Gather Webmaker user profiles #122

Closed secretrobotron closed 9 years ago

secretrobotron commented 9 years ago

Gather user profiles for Webmaker to put on

Phase: Research Owner: @secretrobotron Decision: @secretrobotron Consulted: @thornet, @LauraReynal, Hive Lead design: n/a Lead dev: n/a Quality: @thisandagain

Relies on profiles in #58 and #59.

secretrobotron commented 9 years ago

David Guarch


secretrobotron commented 9 years ago


from Bangladesh report

secretrobotron commented 9 years ago

Pictures from Bangladesh:

secretrobotron commented 9 years ago


Older, middle-class, passionate about her education. Customized her phone immediately. Wants to craft and share with her friends.

Less interested that she's holding a phone, but still wants to make apps.

Wants to help her peers, have study-groups, etc. More focused on education.


She goes online today to find ebooks

secretrobotron commented 9 years ago


secretrobotron commented 9 years ago


secretrobotron commented 9 years ago


secretrobotron commented 9 years ago


secretrobotron commented 9 years ago

Distilling to 3 + 1 (partner)

secretrobotron commented 9 years ago

Information we should publish

lauradereynal commented 9 years ago

Hey @secretrobotron @thisandagain How about something like this for a template ? in terms of content, not design :construction: screen shot 2014-12-16 at 14 58 35

lauradereynal commented 9 years ago

Maybe we could refine more, for example I was think some icons could help on the left grey rectangle. Tried to highlight the TL;DR

iamjessklein commented 9 years ago

Are these actual user profiles? Do the users fit into types? For reference - I found this exercise by the Firefox team useful: evergreens-600x900

@LauraReynal :+1: I found the content types on your template super useful. The one affordance that I found particularly nice about the FF exercise is that you understand who the user is in relationship to the rest of the project and potentially the world.

lauradereynal commented 9 years ago

Hey @iamjessklein

omnignorant commented 9 years ago


ldecoursy commented 9 years ago


Can find out more if interested!

secretrobotron commented 9 years ago

@lucyeoh and @amirad's might be useful to scour too.

lauradereynal commented 9 years ago

To remix for the way we present our personas :smile:

screen shot 2014-12-16 at 16 42 05

LauraHilliger commented 9 years ago

Check out the "introduce yourself" thread on discourse:

Introductions through makes:

Map of people who <3 us:

And I'll get back to you on specific people who are great.

ldecoursy commented 9 years ago

Caroline Combemale

KathrynMeisner commented 9 years ago

Kathryn Barrett

LauraHilliger commented 9 years ago

Stefan Bohacek

secretrobotron commented 9 years ago

We should publish the graph you made as well: :alien: :weary: :rabbit:

lauradereynal commented 9 years ago

Yes, we just need to give him a design pass ;) :cactus: :joy_cat: :exclamation: :boom: :expressionless:

lauradereynal commented 9 years ago

@secretrobotron @iamjessklein New version of the graph featured on #59 and designed by Andrew !


LauraHilliger commented 9 years ago

Loving the progress! Sweet graphic <3

Small nit - maybe think switching the "Exploring" over the left column and "Participating + Building" over the right to just saying Web Literacy and showing advancement along the continuum? Just thinking that the WebLitMap is complex enough that you hit competencies/skills under every strand at every stage (e.g. you start hitting participating skills in the "basic usage" area, and you keep improving exploring competencies as a "super creator").

thisandagain commented 9 years ago

Nice work folks. @secretrobotron good to close given the /audience content you have to date?

thisandagain commented 9 years ago

Tracking work for /audience in

secretrobotron commented 9 years ago

:+1: will follow up with people here to hone in on profiles I chose.