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Ship google docs template + board slides #702

Closed cassiemc closed 8 years ago

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

From @msurman:

Is there someone on the design team who could help develop a simple MoFO google docs template this week or early next (by Tuesday?).

The goal would be to have something like the template we're now using for board slides, but for strategic planning docs, reports, grant proposals. It would be subtle but have a similar feel, be easy to use (style sheets!) and keep us consistent. See below for more.

The doc we'd want to use as a test case is this:

... which is what we'd want to pretty up / do style sheets and footers etc on by Tuesday. We could refine into a re-usable template from there.

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

@vazquez says he can help on this today and tomorrow. Woohoo, thanks Ricardo!

msurman commented 8 years ago

@vazquez: let me know if you want to chat through quickly. I'm in the office all day today and tomorrow.

vazquez commented 8 years ago

Thanks @msurman! I will take you up on that offer. In the meantime, I have requested access to the Google Doc

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Let's take stock of what templates we already have available. If there is a smart way to build on these (rather than redesign similar elements, except where necessary b/c of a different audience, etc) let's do it. I added a folder of these on the Design Assets drive.

Any others you guys know about? @sabrinang @kristinashu @natalieworth @lovegushwa @flukeout

vazquez commented 8 years ago

Thanks! This is what I've been digging for as well. The 2020 Strategy slides are available here. I wasn't able to find the template for these slides.

msurman commented 8 years ago

Shared both the slides and doc. Jordan did the work behind the slides, I think, if you want to know about thinking behind them.

vazquez commented 8 years ago

I would love to spend a few minutes with @msurman or @OpenMatt to talk about the Doc and how we can begin making the transition into a slide format.

lovegushwa commented 8 years ago

(I sent these to you @vazquez earlier today)

Here is Luke's template: looks like some one messed up the first few slides:

Presentation poster files are here:

OpenMatt commented 8 years ago
OpenMatt commented 8 years ago

Deliverables needed by EOD today

OpenMatt commented 8 years ago

@vazquez links added for all of the above

OpenMatt commented 8 years ago

Thanks for all your great work on this @vazquez ! I think we're done.