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CMS: Design and build templates that integrate with Calypso for first trial run #750

Closed cassiemc closed 8 years ago

cassiemc commented 8 years ago


Driver: @hannahkane A: @davidascher R: @flukeout @vazquez @gvn @kristinashu @mmmavis C: @cassiemc @simonwex
I: Design team


We want to continue improving MozMaker, the Mofo-wide styles that will be applied to the new CMS work. For this next phase of work we've at least mentioned (and need to reach agreement on) key deliverables:

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Re: templates that need to be created—I could use an update on how finalized the existing ones are. I've seen versions of:

And it looks like the next one in the queue is Header image with CTA and CTAs in a row (see

If we could finalize all four of those this heartbeat, I think that would be great.

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

I think this could use a clear driver, or co-drivers. Is that @hannahkane, @simonwex, me? All 3?

OpenMatt commented 8 years ago

next step: cassie, hannah, simon will update spec

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

@hannahkane should we kickoff this piece of work, separate to the MLN production work scheduling?

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

I don't think we need to. Have scheduled an hour for that meeting; should cover this along with the few other items in the works. Will update this ticket and make sure all tickets are filed in CMS and Teach repos in advance.

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Suggest a new name – 'Design and build templates that integrate with the CMS for first trial run/s" or something like that. Scoping work here: Tracking work here: and ... CMS repo?

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Successful kickoff meeting earlier today. First comment has been updated to reflect the work we currently think we can do this heartbeat, though we're having a more in-depth meeting soon, which may result in altering some tickets/milestone outcomes.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Documenting a related piece of work that happened: released static version of a specific use case to

In an upcoming milestone, will move that page to CMS, but for now, back to the work in this ticket as described.

ldecoursy commented 8 years ago

@hannahkane Do you know if this will be ready in the CMS to use for the Mozilla Learning Community Call on March 24?

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

@ldecoursy - how far in advance of the call do we need it?

ldecoursy commented 8 years ago

We don't "need" it - we'll point to the Google Hangouts page and separate etherpad in the meantime. Could potentially use it to archive the call (and for future calls) if it's not ready yet. But if it is ready in the CMS, we'll use it for sure ;)

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Will talk to the team about it at our next stand-up. I think it's useful to have real use cases driving the work forward, but also good to have back-up plans. :)

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Updated the first comment. I'm going to call this "on track," but @simonwex—do you disagree?

simonwex commented 8 years ago

Don't disagree.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

A few things reported during today's stand as possibly not going to finish this heartbeat: incorporating colour work into templates, and preview/view drafts in Mozmaker.

I'd still say this ticket is ontrack, given the spirit of what we were aiming to achieve this heartbeat.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Many of the sub-tasks will land by EOD today. Others will be moved to next heartbeat. Closing.