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Socialize IA proposals and integrate further feedback #751

Closed cassiemc closed 8 years ago

cassiemc commented 8 years ago


R: @cassiemc A: @kristinashu S: C: @secretrobotron @LauraReynal I:



secretrobotron commented 8 years ago


secretrobotron commented 8 years ago

Happy to help socialize so I can internalize this as well.

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

@simonwex Curious how you see this IA work integrating with the CMS? Should we set up domains/wrappers for each property that is likely to use the CMS (is that an eventual goal)?

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

@secretrobotron Just scheduled a catch up on this stuff for Monday, then hoping you can help me :)

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Spoke to @secretrobotron and there are certain themes / assumptions we'd like to test with 10 people that involve the overall IA approach. We are writing up thoughts and a script here:

cassiemc commented 8 years ago

Ok! Final plan after talking with @secretrobotron and @samanthaburton in Toronto – we managed between me and @hannahkane to come up with some really solid questions/goals that we can use in the already-planned value prop research around the 'leadership network' idea that is being coordinated with Bobby, @LauraReynal and @adamlofting. That work will continue as planned.

It doesn't seem necessary to duplicate our efforts on that in the sole context of the IA, though. If we phase the IA, we can essentially carry on as planned without blockers, and we can start filing tix to make non-controversial changes. (I've filed that as a followup issue here:

There are a few diagram variations as slides 2 & 3 in the IA doc that I hope to present to exec, along with some more context in the doc, to get feedback on next Wednesday.

Calling this one closed.