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Production-ify Leadership Curriculum #757

Closed hannahkane closed 8 years ago

hannahkane commented 8 years ago


Driver: @hannahkane A: @chrislarry33 R: @cassiemc @simonwex (to assign team members, when we get to that point) C: @chadsansing @zee-moz @kaythaney I:


One of the major H1 deliverables for MLN is a Leadership Curriculum. @chadsansing, @zee-moz and the Curriculum working group are spearheading this effort. The Curriculum likely includes several modules, each made up of several activities (similar to Web Literacy curriculum, though these activities are likely to be aimed at the self-directed learner, rather than lesson plans to be facilitated by an educator.)

Once the content is close-ish to finalized, we'll need to production-ify this. This work likely includes:

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Moving to future heartbeat, as per email thread with @kaythaney

xmatthewx commented 8 years ago

@zee-moz – let's connect to chat about any design this project might require. Want to schedule a Dumbo meeting?

zee-moz commented 8 years ago

@xmatthewx Chad and I are going to work through a design brief early next week, but I am working from Boston all nxt week. Could do Skype later in the week, back the following Monday... If you want to talk sooner, could meet this afternoon in Brooklyn (Dumbo or closer to home) after 3 pm

xmatthewx commented 8 years ago

Let's try and find time at the end of this week if possible. I'm traveling next week and then on PTO the following. That leaves just a few weeks before we all head to London. 🕐 🕦 ⏰

If you and I don't connect, I encourage you to chat with @hannahkane and one of the designers just to outline requirements.

kaythaney commented 8 years ago

hey gang,

if schedules allow, would love to join for this thursday or friday.


On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 11:07 AM, matthew w wrote:

Let's try and find time at the end of this week if possible. I'm traveling next week and then on PTO the following. That leaves just a few weeks before we all head to London. 🕐 🕦 ⏰

If you and I don't connect, I encourage you to chat with @hannahkane and one of the designers just to outline requirements.

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-- [unflagged] @kaythaney @MozillaScience

xmatthewx commented 8 years ago

I met with @zee-moz @chadsansing @kaythaney today to discuss production needs. I'll try and summarize things I discovered below. Feel free to correct or add to my list.

From my perspective, assets can be added as created pre- or post-London, following a beta-release before any back-to-school PR work. Timeline is TBD – should be set/confirmed with @hannahkane @kaythaney @chrislarry33

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Awesome! Are there specific production tickets to file, or are you suggesting we have a discussion about timeline first?

xmatthewx commented 8 years ago

Good question. Some of this can happen concurrently, but a timeline would definitely inform things.

Assets checklist:

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

@kaythaney @zee-moz @chadsansing - can you say more about what design support you'd want before London? For example, we'll be planning the next heartbeat later this week. Could we put some of the diagrams in the heartbeat? Are they ready for the design stage?

chadsansing commented 8 years ago

I would say the GH diagrams, as well as the illustrations in the Convening module. Maybe also the intro and outro videos? @zee-moz, @kaythaney - does that sound right?

zee-moz commented 8 years ago

that sounds right to me-- there are several videos in the intro section, but the animated (or lightly animated) one that comes first will need design love.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Do the videos need design love or animation love, or both?

chadsansing commented 8 years ago

I think the first and maybe last videos - the others are meant to be a kind of cinema verite from the community. Right, @zee-moz? [flagged!] [flagged!] [flagged!] [flagged!]

zee-moz commented 8 years ago

@chadsansing is right-- we may add more animated videos eventually but those are the only two that need assets. The others are short vlog-type pieces...

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

We'll aim to assign a designer for the GH diagrams and illustrations during the May 20th heartbeat.

@kaythaney - would it be okay to wait on the video support until we clarify whether the need can best be met in-house or by hiring a contractor?

kaythaney commented 8 years ago

let's hold on that for now. @zee-moz may take a stab at a storyboard for the interim. thanks @hannahkane !

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

@zee-moz and @sabrinang - did you two meet today? Any updates to share about what the deliverable is for this heartbeat?

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Moving to next heartbeat for which the deliverable is:

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

@zee-moz @kaythaney @chadsansing - what do you think the next step is on this? should we meet up after London to discuss?

chadsansing commented 8 years ago

@hannahkane - that sounds right.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Taking this out of any milestone until we have a chance to discuss next steps.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Putting this back in for July 22 heartbeat, but need to clarify the deliverable—likely an animated presentation on "ingredients for open"

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

I'm going to close this ticket. We're tracking the video production in another ticket. If there are additional tasks to support the OLC production, we should file those separately.