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Release CMS v1 #776

Closed hannahkane closed 8 years ago

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

CMS v1 will include the ability to publish a simple page to the Teach site.

@simonwex - please add more details if you have them, but afaik, the remaining work is:

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

@simonwex - could use an update on the Calypso hosting issue, please :)

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

sounds like this is going to roll into the next heartbeat. will keep here for now, but blocked on some stuff within our control and some stuff outside of our control.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

This is definitely rolling into the next heartbeat, so reflecting that here.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

As I understand it, this is still blocked.

simonwex commented 8 years ago

@cadecairos do you mind updating with the most recent happenings from Automattic?

cadecairos commented 8 years ago

The work in seems to have stalled for the moment. I'm going to try and push it to a working state once I get our prototype code up to date with upstream.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

Rolling into the next heartbeat, though progress was made this heartbeat! (@cadecairos - feel free to add details here if you can)

cadecairos commented 8 years ago

Sure thing!

@mmmavis re-implemented our changes on top of Automattic's latest version of wp-calypso :tada:

I then pulled in Automattic's WIP branch that implements OAuth, and also pulled in my Heroku compitible Docker code, made some fixes to the Oauth code, and managed to get a deployed build.

There are a few UX glitches when signing in, and the live preview needs to be re-done ( @alicoding? )

:tada: :tada: :goat: :tada: :tada:

edit: super pre-pre-pre-alpha-prototype is here:

edit 2: Sign in with your wordpress account. You'll need to select the website you wish to edit on the page that loads after you authorize the app, then hit the account settings button on the top right, and then click the "My site" button on the top left. This is likely due to a react state issue with the auth token. maybe.

simonwex commented 8 years ago
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Thanks so much for pushing on this! @mmmavis and @cadecairos

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

This is very exciting!

@ldecoursy and I have started testing on the staging server. I've filed a few bugs in the Calypso repo, but I don't think any of them are blockers. They aren't problems with the Calypso functionality, rather they are issues related to styling and layout.

hannahkane commented 8 years ago

I'm going to close this ticket; it's a bit stale. Next steps have been filed: