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Hive Cascadia #4

Open ldecoursy opened 9 years ago

ldecoursy commented 9 years ago

Driver: @simonaramkisson Accountable: @ldecoursy Responsible: @chrislarry33 Informed: @mcdermott415

@leahatplay @amirad @thornet

Main contacts: Main Contact: Phillipa Pitts, Sara Ryan

[add contact info]

ldecoursy commented 9 years ago

March 2, 2015

Have attended all 3 Hive Global Community calls and presented on the January 2015 Hive Global call Held first team meeting with Pixel Arts, Multi Co Library and Portland Art Museum (main community partners driving Hive Cascadia), meetings will be moving to every 2 weeks

Held first teen committee for Mythos Challenge

Created Mythos Challenge newsletter which will be a key in disseminating information about Hive Cascadia

Event Updates March 17, 2015 is tentatively the date first community Hive member meeting with potential member organizations Drink n' Draw with Portland Indie Game Squad

Support Requested and Provided Team is looking to connecting with Hive in the Bay Area and Pittsburgh to get a better understanding of how the day to day of a Hive looks, working to set this up with Ryan Coon from Hive Pittsburgh Connected them with Hive Chicago (Robert) via Google Hangout to get the Chicago perspective Scheduling call this week to discuss creating social media links i.e twitter, Facebook

simonaramkisson commented 9 years ago

March 20 Newsletter:

simonaramkisson commented 9 years ago

May 2015 Newsletter:

simonaramkisson commented 9 years ago

The team and I are connecting on Monday to discuss their next steps and hosting their first Hive Portland (Cascadia) on their launch plan. They plan to host a Maker Party which will be faciliated by the Mythos youth council.

Ready to launch

simonaramkisson commented 9 years ago

Update: Connected with team on Monday June 8

Ready to launch, first community meeting which will be led by Mythos Youth Council: July 24

Featured Team:

Jeffrey Sens, PDX Game Education Kristin Bayans, Portland Art Museum Sara Ryan, Multnomah County Library

They are currently re-writing their mission statement and will be sending updated social network links and headshots for adding to site

Their July 24 community event will be part of the Maker Party events, will be on June 18 call Maker Party Call

simonaramkisson commented 8 years ago

From November Check in:

Followup Tasks:

Send advance copy of Mythos Newsletter Send blog post about the Youth Play Fund Send any suggestions local capacity partner organizations--a non profit for example--and any info about local funding for higher level operations for our staff time. Schedule a checkin, heartbeat meeting every two weeks. We can be flexible about dates, but let’s get it on the books After our 2nd partner meeting and the results, send our overview of what things look like. Our strategy map. After 2nd meeting, do a SWOT analysis with Simona.


  1. Legal status—liability insurance, we don’t want to incorporate as non-profit.

We are considered a Model city of Hive learning network by Mozilla Foundation. If we want, we can be stewarded by Mozilla Foundation, but local community partnership model has benefits: easier to implement, faster, and more flexibility.

Orgs in other states via Mozilla Foundation could also help as a capacity partner.
Simona will discuss stewardship with her team and get us starting information. 
Will also check into liability insurance options via the Mozilla Foundation. We may need to just get coverage on an event by event basis.

With launch, Simona wants us to do a checkin about:

1) Are our expectations clear? Does the experience created by Hive Cascadia benefits people of Cascadia. Checkin to ensure vision is same page.
2) Stewarding by Hive Cascadia vs finding a local capacity partner. 
  1. Grant Writing—Mozilla Foundation as hub for funding. How do we state ourselves should we apply for grants or fund raising.

    There is a lot more funding provincially and supported by Hive for local Hives. Mozilla Foundation cannot fund continuously—so this is our best strategy.

    Simona Is bringing Lynn More in to discuss our local funding and how they can help us apply. Will email.

  2. Website—use their template.

    Simona will get us the templates and information on how we access or manage content.

  3. Emails: Take Phillippa and Mike off emails.


  4. Meetup with Mozilla Portland.

    Simona will email introduce us to Hannah Kane, Mozilla learning team, but she is not in town and works tele-distance.

  5. Loaner phones.

    Jeffrey will write up a proposal for library programs and pixel arts having FireOS phones. Duration: school year to June--2-3 examples of use for phones, ask for 15-20 phones. Only ask is we help evaluate the software.

Update Notes:

Badges—working with Beth Unverzagt, and rockwood is using Biblio Commons for badging.
Software tools—COPA--no great solutions for when youth are operating or managing the data. Pixel Arts manages the Mythos Challenge data to ensure liability and safety.  

Upcoming Hive Cascadia Planning:

2nd meeting with Partners: calendaring, setting priorities for what initiatives and programs.
Event: Trainings & round tables for partners and their youth in positive youth development and youth-adult partnerships.
Hive Cascadia branding of local makers space: officially recognized maker spaces. Simona really likes this and says it’s unique—not something other Hives have done.
Youth Play Fund—multi-partner fund for youth makers. Youth led. 
simonaramkisson commented 8 years ago

Connected team with Hannah and they sent invite to their launch event. Also connected them to Sanda Hyte from Seattle.