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Hive Margate #8

Open ldecoursy opened 9 years ago

ldecoursy commented 9 years ago

Driver: @simonaramkisson Accountable: @ldecoursy Responsible: @chrislarry33 Informed: @mcdermott415

Main contact: Kate Knele and Brian Candon

ldecoursy commented 9 years ago

March 2, 2015

The team in Margate UK recently attended (not under Hive banner) attended the GEEK Festival on February 22-23rd. During our January 2015 check in call, this event was going to be an opportunity to network to possible members and begin building a platform for GEEK 2016 that they hope they Their current plans are to launch Hive Margate UK this spring

Since team is spread around, it is a bit difficult to get everyone to join the monthly update calls we set up in November 2014. Working with Kate on how best to remedy this so we can begin moving forward quicker

simonaramkisson commented 9 years ago

E-mail from Kate Knele:

Simona thank you for keeping in touch. I wanted to bring a few issues to your attention. Some of the people in local area have moved on, new people have arrived. There is a lot of churn in the area and while I think it would be possible to pull people together I think people really need a bit of time to build their own roots so I am going to step back until stronger local links have been built.

Would really like it stay in touch and would definitely like to come to MozFest but feel time is needed to build a strong and robust network here in Margate.

I was beginning to notice that not everyone was responding, I had sent out reminders for calls that we had previously booked and they had missed. This is in response to the reminder e-mail for March 2015 Hive Global Community Call.

I asked to set up a call just to talk about some of the issues and why it wasn't brought to our attentions sooner.

chrislarry33 commented 9 years ago

Would be good to take this set-back as an opportunity to find out from her what more concrete supports and resources would be helpful for her and what we can do even light touch to continue some momentum

simonaramkisson commented 9 years ago

Definitely on the agenda for our call, it would be good to be able to flush out some "Keep in Mind Before Starting Hive" boiler points to include Hive Cookbook.

chrislarry33 commented 9 years ago

Great idea. And also how we get more sophisticated at what we offer as steps...this might have been a case for even starting with some web club activities to establish more baby steps

simonaramkisson commented 9 years ago


simonaramkisson commented 9 years ago

Dorine confirmed call for week of April 6, 2015