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Program to find minumum of N numbers, #35

Open ashwin-phadke opened 6 years ago

ashwin-phadke commented 6 years ago

I have been trying to code for the program that finds the minimum number from the numbers that we have taken from user . ALGO: 1)User enters a number . 2)That number is referred to as the number of inputs the user will give. 3)Compare the inputs find the minimum and display.

And this is how far I have gotten :

`The program here is to find minimum from n numbers, could not do much further, guess I need the undergrad course first , anyways little help

` use std::io;

fn main() {
println!("Program to find minimum of N numbers");
let _a = [0; 30];
let minimum=0;
let size=0;
let c=0;
let location = 5;
println!("Enter the number of elements: ");
 let mut size = String::new();
    .read_line(&string size)
    .expect("Error reading number");
println!("Enter the numbers: ");
for _c in 1..size{
 .read_line(&mut _a[size])
    .expect("Error reading number");  }`

Solution proposed by Vighneshwar did not work or maybe I am not doing it right! vec.push(1) .. for n values vec.into_iter().fold(None, |min, x| match min { None => Some(x), Some(y) => Some(if x < y { x } else { y }), })

ranjithrajv commented 6 years ago

@ashwin-phadke there is an interesting project called 'Rust for undergrads' which is basically academic examples written in Rust, look into it.