MozillaReality / WebXR-emulator-extension

WebXR emulator extension
Mozilla Public License 2.0
454 stars 55 forks source link

Bug - select event should be dispatched before selectend #255

Open De-Panther opened 3 years ago

De-Panther commented 3 years ago

As written in the working draft

Queue a task to perform the following steps:
Fire an input source event with name select, frame frame, and source source.
Fire an input source event with name selectend, frame frame, and source source

And in

The select event is sent after the selectstart event is sent and immediately before the selectend event is sent.

Looking at

                      this[PRIVATE$f].dispatchInputSourceEvent('selectend',  evt.inputSource);
                      this[PRIVATE$f].dispatchInputSourceEvent('select',  evt.inputSource);

Those lines should be switched

takahirox commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report! I'll investigate.

De-Panther commented 3 years ago

Was fixed and merged in the WebXR Polyfill repo