MozillaReality / WebXR-emulator-extension

WebXR emulator extension
Mozilla Public License 2.0
454 stars 55 forks source link

enable keyboard shortcuts to map individual emulator controller. #285

Open mingyuen78 opened 2 years ago

mingyuen78 commented 2 years ago

hi mozilla reality, can we request for this feature as per title. it will help us develop the webxr faster. right now is still very tedious to emulate webxr with the emulator, as we have to click individual controllers and then drag them around to control them.

it will be good if we can assign programmable non conflicting shortcut keys to raw, roll, pitch, up, down , left and right for left hand and right hand as well as the headset.

and control button like squeeze and trigger for each left and right. this will enable us more seemlessly control the emulated controller.

itsezc commented 1 year ago

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