MozillaReality / fxr-cli

A command-line tool for installing and automating the Firefox Reality virtual-reality browser.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

upon `postinstall`, create a directory called `~/.fxr/` in the user's home directory #15

Open cvan opened 6 years ago

cvan commented 6 years ago

store in ~/.fxr/ (based on os.homedir()):

  1. a global settings.json (which contains the defaults that were previously defined in settings.json; we can then remove the local settings.json; we will add a version, which will pin the version of the fxr CLI that is used)
    • check in the current-working directory (i.e., process.cwd()) for fxr/settings.json or fxrsettings.json (or use the path based on an optional path provided via a new CLI flag)
  2. a state.json (which contains information)
  3. a downloads/ directory which contains sub-directories for each Taskcluster-build download (key'd off buildId/Git sha)
  4. a downloads/index.json which contains metadata:
    • metadata of the currently used
    • a list of all the locally downloaded Taskcluster-build downloads and metadata