MozillaReality / panorama-viewer

A Three.js panorama viewer
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Nothing but Black #3

Closed stevel4857 closed 9 years ago

stevel4857 commented 9 years ago

Hi, No complaints really (it's free after all) but it doesn't display in a non VR mode. All I see is black. I see numerous examples of VR where it displays in 2D and you either click a button or use ctrl+v to go into and out of VR mode. I believe it really needs to be this way both for backward compatibility to older 2D and ease of work, meaning I can work in 2D when I'm in a hurry. Just a thought.

hh3m commented 9 years ago

I absolutely agree. Just a simple check using THREE.js' Detector.js would be enough I guess:

var renderer = Detector.webgl? new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true }): new THREE.CanvasRenderer();

EDIT: wait a sec, you guys are using borismus' webvr-polyfill and manager. I'm completely lost why there isn't a fallback for non-VR devices/browsers. Can someone from mozvr explain please.

caseyyee commented 9 years ago

There has been some breakage over the last week that could have caused the issues you have been seeing. It should all work (including being compatible with non-VR browsers) now!

caseyyee commented 9 years ago

Closing for now. Re-open if you continue to see problems.