MozillaReality / servo-unity

Servo for Unity - experimental
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Roadmap for other platforms? #2

Open dakom opened 3 years ago

dakom commented 3 years ago

Wondering if there's a roadmap planned out for other platforms.

Personally I'm most interested Android/Oculus (for VR) and, ironically, WebGL/Wasm

philip-lamb commented 3 years ago

The other desktop platforms are likely to be first, but Android is definitely possible. WebGL+WASM... yeah, not so much. I mean, we can all conceive of how that could work, but we're a long way off Servo running in wasm yet.

AlterHowdegen commented 3 years ago

Is there any chance to support iOS? Or completely prohibited by Xcode? Would it be technically possible, but rejected in the official AppStore (thus still usable via alternative enterprise distribution)?

jdm commented 3 years ago

The apple app store license prohibits submitting anything based on Servo, so that platform is not a priority at this time.

AlterHowdegen commented 3 years ago

Yeah, fair enough. So it would be technically possible for iOS (without AppStore though), but of course that's a much rarer case, so makes sense not to focus on that. Unfortunately makes it pointless for users relying on iOS.

blasco commented 3 years ago

This is amazing. Any updates on when this will be available for the Oculus Quest?

mura94 commented 2 years ago

Also curious if Android & Quest support is on the roadmap still?

philip-lamb commented 2 years ago

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