MozillaReality / servo-unity

Servo for Unity - experimental
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DllNotFoundException #7

Open feather0611 opened 3 years ago

feather0611 commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'm very new to Unity and C#. Thanks for made this wonderful plugin! It's a important function to my project. But when I try to import the ExampleScene and run, it comes out with many errors. I can't figure out how to fix it.

截圖 2020-09-06 上午2 02 43

I've already build the servo_unity.bundle, and also copied libsimpleservo2 files to Unity's installation directory. I found most of them may caused by cs file can't find classes in different files in some reason. I think I'm almost there. But have no idea to fix this Exception. My enviroment is Mac OS X 10.15.6, Unity version is 2020.1.4f1. Can you please give me a hand?

SuperJumpBros commented 3 years ago

I really hope someone can help with or fix this. I need this for an iOS version of an online game I am making!

fajarbinus commented 3 years ago

hope someone can help with this too, I really need this for my thesis project

benSmith1981 commented 3 years ago

I hope someone can help with this too as I cannot get around it!?

philip-lamb commented 3 years ago

Windows is not yet supported. Some preliminary work has been done on Windows support, but this is not yet complete. iOS and Android are not supported (not now and not likely to be anytime soon).

Since Mozilla Research was closed by Mozilla in September 2020, I and the rest of the Servo team are no longer with Mozilla. The Servo project is now under the stewardship of the Linux Foundation. All future work on Servo Unity will take place in my repo at

benSmith1981 commented 3 years ago

Basically Philip. I wanted to have a web browser that I can view in VR, Oculus runs on Android, so are you saying it is nor possible to use Servo on Android, and never will be? By the way this project doesn't compile under any targets...I tried to include the plugins but nothing works.

jdm commented 3 years ago

Servo dropped support for Android in late 2019 or early 2020. It would be possible to resurrect it, but would definitely take sustained work.

Enemy-77 commented 2 years ago

Hey guys! Did you solved this, I meet thre same problem today. Anyone can help ?