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OSS development, a continuous lesson in humility #4

Open Mpdreamz opened 11 years ago

dorony commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the quick resolution of the issue! I love your library and it's awesome you maintain it so rigorously :) I wanted to ask, though, why are you implementing your own synchronization code, instead of relying on built-in stuff like HttpClient.PostAsync? Won't that make your code simpler and easier to maintain?

Mpdreamz commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the kind words! Mostly because Iwanted to be in full control. Most of the code was written back when nest still supported .net 3.5. Somewhere last year i bumped to 4.0 but that still left HttpClient out of the picture, the other wrapper WebClient async stuff is event based which I personally think is more complicated then HttpWebRequest Begin/End pattern.

It might be fun excersize to make a Nest.Connection.HttpClient45 project that has an IConnection that uses HttpClient though :)

inhies commented 6 years ago

I just wanted to say I've missed you man, and hope you are doing well! I remember working with you was what really got me started programming <3

-Insert Name Here

Mpdreamz commented 6 years ago

@inhies wow, how awesome to hear from you man! So many fond memories of hacking on things over IRC with you 😄 We should catch up virtually, I don't really hang on IRC anymore but suggest a spot!

Super curious to hear where live took you this past decade :)

inhies commented 5 years ago

@Mpdreamz I'm so sorry for not getting back with you! Do you use Discord at all? I'm always on there now. IRC got too clunky for me these days, discord is modern IRC++ :)