Mpdreamz / shellprogressbar

ShellProgressBar - display progress in your console application
MIT License
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Added the option to set tick value when calling Tick() #11

Closed Toyz closed 6 years ago

Toyz commented 7 years ago

Added the option to override the percentage in the Tick function to set the current Tick amount to any number

robgha01 commented 7 years ago

Any notes when this will get merged ? im using a WebClient with this library and need this feature to get a proper progress bar tick.

At the moment im using this ugly hack xD

var prog = typeof(ProgressBar).BaseType;
prog?.GetField("_currentTick", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)?.SetValue(progressBar, progress);
Mpdreamz commented 6 years ago

Ty @Toyz, very much appreciated! I've been neglecting this repository for tooooo long. Better late than never @robgha01 ?