Mpdreamz / shellprogressbar

ShellProgressBar - display progress in your console application
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Add a way to continue displaying text under the progressbar #31

Closed Atulin closed 4 years ago

Atulin commented 5 years ago

Sometimes I'd like to be more verbose about what the program does, doing something like

50.0% parsing done                                  00:10:07
Parsing file 'hello world.txt'...
Done in 1.07s
Parsing file 'adasfadaad.txt'...
Done in 8.28s
Parsing file 'bank account passwords.txt'...
Done in 0.72s

Is there any changce it could be implemented? Even if not through Console.WriteLine("msg"), then at least via something like pbar.Write("msg")

Kruno313 commented 5 years ago

I need it to. The text color in that case should not be changed with Options.ForegroundColor as the color of the bar itself.

rezunalex commented 5 years ago

would love to have this too.

Kruno313 commented 5 years ago

would love to have this too. I finally made my own for that reason: It is also able to overwrite the Bar line with some text on the end.

Atulin commented 5 years ago

Nice! Maybe you could submit a pull request if it's not too hard?

Kruno313 commented 5 years ago

My code is far from this, not an fork. I reused some concepts (Options f.i.), but wrote it new and it defferes to much. It also lacks some functionalities of this (shellprogressbar). That's why I decided to make own project.

Mpdreamz commented 4 years ago

I've implemented pbar.WriteLine(""); as a means to persist messages above the currently running console.

This also plays nice when redirecting output to e.g a text file.

Peek 2019-08-20 15-42