Mpdreamz / shellprogressbar

ShellProgressBar - display progress in your console application
MIT License
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There doesn't appear to be a way to make this work with VS Code's Integrated Console #67

Open oadrian2 opened 3 years ago

oadrian2 commented 3 years ago

If you attempt to run this as part of the VS Code Integrated Console, you get an exception when it tries to move the cursor to the top or bottom? Would it be possible to have a configuration that doesn't rely on those commands and worked inline with the VS Code Integrated Console?

Mart-Bogdan commented 3 years ago

You should open launc.json and make following edit

        "console": "integratedTerminal",

this is working for me. Also could try externalTerminal


P.S. This is Vs Code issue, not library. could be closed, or a workaround could be added to