[ ] Differentiate between invalid email and invalid schid in the backend's error message. Note: Invalid schid would only happen if the person is using their own custom client. Our frontend wouldn't let an invalid schid through, so this isn't a major problem.
[x] Change password score modal to live display near password box
[ ] Replace various modals with indicators
[ ] Tell user if image is properly uploaded
[ ] When uploading a photo, only list all of the files which are actually photos
[ ] Make it so that you can download a picture from a URL
[ ] For some reason, it's giving an error on the scrollChatBottom() function, but only like once in every 5 loads. It still works, but it console.logs() an error. There might be a larger issue behind this.
[ ] Get rid of field public in the API for convos. Use !pwd instead for chatrooms and default to private for classes.
[ ] Improvement: Make dblib.py return only the key if only 1 object is passed into the for loop, but keep current functionality for 2 objects.
[ ] #8
[x] Hide Tabbar when in a class or chat on mobile
[ ] Ask mobile users to install the app
[ ] Add text size to settings
[ ] Chat and class max length for name
[ ] System message when chat name is changed
[ ] Make other user's chat name update when system message is received (see above)
[ ] Sending indicator
[ ] Internet connection detector
[ ] Export chat/class
[ ] Separate DMs and joined chats. Only show joined chats and have an all chats section where you can join and search for chats. Show an icon for password protected chats and amount of members.
Missing Features