Open rea987 opened 6 years ago
I normally use osspd, but when stopping it, I haven't had much luck reproducing the crashes in Unreal Tournament 2004 or Quake 4. None of these games use any of the audio-related functions in SDL either, so I don't understand why these would crash with SDLCL, but only when OSS is unavailable.
Hi @MrAlert , great project here!! I have tested it succesfully on RPI4 under box86 emulator, the problem is.. sound, it doesnt do the resampling (terrible sound, obviusly). I use osspd for this porpoise and under alsa (with osspd) it worked great out of the box, not with the wrapper
As I have just found some games do crash due to unmet OSS library dependency when used with SDLCL. Unreal Tournement 2004's inexplicable crash and Quake 4's SMP-accelerated client (quake4smp.x86, crash are directly related with that.
It is usually expected to have no sound or a sound related crash information in case of lack of sound library; that's actually what happens when stock SDL library is use. But it that particular OSS related instance, games crash without information or with unrelated warnings when SDLCL used. Tried games:
Quake 4 and Quake 4 Multiplayer Demo:
Just like Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, it has 2 clients, first one is default client and the other is SMP-accelerated client which uses similar but older SDL patch of ETQW. Default client (quake4.x86) uses OSS and ALSA without an issue; if OSS or OSS wrapper don't exist in the system when OSS is already selected in config file, there's no sound but also no crash. But accelerated client (quake4smp.x86, crashes even if ALSA is selected in config file. I suspect that somehow accelerated client checks OSS bindings; when it cannot find any, it crashes. But the crash can be prevented by using 32 bit ALSA OSS compatibility library (alsa-oss, aoss).
SMP-accelerated client crash without OSS wrapper:
SMP-accelerated client with OSS wrapper (alsa-oss; aoss):
Quake 4 Multiplayer demo:
Quake 4 sdl.patch.1.2.10:
Unreal Tournement 2004:
This is an OpenAL that uses OSS. Normally, the game either requires either OSS or OSS wrapper to have proper sound; if OSS or OpenAL isn't present, there won't be sound. If the game is launched without OSS wrapper argument while using SDLCL, it will crash.
Unreal Tournament 2004 demo:
Unreal Tournament 2004 without OSS wrapper:
Unreal Tournament 2004 with OSS wrapper (padsp):
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars:
The game supports both OSS and ALSA. If OSS selected while there is no OSS wrapper present, there won't be a sound but also no crash.
OSS Wrappers:
OSS Proxy Daemon (osspd): Probably the best OSS emulator currently. It emulates OSS calls on-the-fly without requiring any additional argument. It works fine with Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and Unreal Tournament (1999).
PulseAudio OSS Wrapper (padsp): As it is a part of PulseAudio, it requires no install. But padsp needs to be used as a pre-argument to function. It works fine with 64 bit binary of Unreal Tournament 2004.
ALSA wrapper for OSS applications (alsa-oss; aoss): A simple wrapper that translates OSS calls into ALSA. 32 bit version works fine with Quake 4.