MrBartusek / MeteoalarmCard

Meteoalarm, Météo-France and DWD severe weather warnings card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI ⛈️
MIT License
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Filter for headline text #210

Open jzielke84 opened 1 year ago

jzielke84 commented 1 year ago

Some warning provided by Nina (like a local flooding warning) are shown as "Unkown event", making it impossible to filter. This might be related to lack of data by the Nina API. Hence I request an additional functionality to hide the card, when a certain Headline (e.g. "Hochwasserinformation") shows up.

MrBartusek commented 1 year ago

It will be quite hard to implement, open to ideas

This might be related to lack of data by the Nina API

It is

jzielke84 commented 10 months ago

It's a bit of a dirty hack:

  type: entity-filter
    - operator: "!="
      value: "Hochwasserinformation"
      attribute: headline
    - binary_sensor.warning_koln_stadt_1

    type: custom:meteoalarm-card
    entity: update.home_assistant_supervisor_update
    integration: nina
      - entity: binary_sensor.warning_koln_stadt_1
    disable_swiper: false
    hide_caption: false
    hide_when_no_warning: true
    override_headline: false
    scaling_mode: scale
      - Flooding
      - Rain
      - Avalanches

Repeat the card for each binary_sensor. Seems to work in Chrome but not in Android Webview. So this is still an feature request.