MrBrax / LiveStreamDVR

An automatic livestream recorder
MIT License
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GUI did not show vod recording but recorded it anyway- #391

Open Serph91P opened 1 year ago

Serph91P commented 1 year ago

Got Notification that stream titel changed and then that it went live. While Watching said stream I got the notification that it wen offline. Went to check GUI what is happening. Stream disappeared from GUI and log said it was remuxing. Pressed Force Record to record it. Nothing realy happend besides message that it worked. Today I checked again and stream seems to be recorded longer but no word about it in the logs. I know that it went longer because it startet 6:30 and ended 7:30 so says lsdvr. But the file is 30gig. Had to press search for vods so it shows up. This says now its missing two minutes. firefox_YRshjzgcsp firefox_uySV7CR5pU grafik grafik grafik

MrBrax commented 1 year ago

Does the logs say that streamlink quit at the beginning or something? For the recording to start at all it really needs to create the VOD.

Did you have fallback recording mode activated?

Serph91P commented 1 year ago

Does the logs say that streamlink quit at the beginning or something? For the recording to start at all it really needs to create the VOD.

Did you have fallback recording mode activated?

fallback recording is activated, Streamlink is only mentioned 4 times in the log:

2022-12-15 09:49:39.722 34+undefined | automator.captureVideo <INFO> Streamlink now writing output to container. 2022-12-15 09:49:40.185 34+undefined | automator.captureVideo <INFO> Streamlink waiting for pre-roll ads to finish. 2022-12-15 09:49:40.479 34+undefined | automator.captureVideo <INFO> Streamlink filtering out segments and pausing stream output. 2022-12-15 09:49:55.621 34+undefined | automator.captureVideo <INFO> Streamlink resuming stream output.

MrBrax commented 1 year ago

have you been accidentally running two instances or something? if the stream was just an hour long, what does the recorded video contain? hosted channel?

Serph91P commented 1 year ago

have you been accidentally running two instances or something? if the stream was just an hour long, what does the recorded video contain? hosted channel?

nope only one instance on master channel. That why i am asking it recorded the stream just fine but said it was not recording. the stream is severel hours long. as you see here it went from 6pm to 3am grafik

MrBrax commented 1 year ago

oh ok got it, thought you meant it recorded just 1 hour

this isn't the console log right? haven't seen the undefined thing before. there must be some error caught before the vod was created, or some kind of warning

Serph91P commented 1 year ago

oh ok got it, thought you meant it recorded just 1 hour

this isn't the console log right? haven't seen the undefined thing before. there must be some error caught before the vod was created, or some kind of warning

no its not because the console log seems to be incomplete:


MrBrax commented 1 year ago

console log only goes back so far, would have need to be copied when the weird stuff started occurring

Serph91P commented 1 year ago

console log only goes back so far, would have need to be copied when the weird stuff started occurring

will see if it happens again sorry

MrBrax commented 1 year ago

so the recorded file does not match the length of the events? 30 gigs is a pretty long stream

MrBrax commented 1 year ago

it might be too late now since you rescanned the vods, but the json file could have some clues if it failed or something, an unfinished state

Serph91P commented 1 year ago

it might be too late now since you rescanned the vods, but the json file could have some clues if it failed or something, an unfinished state

The file does match the stream only the events shown by the GUI and notification are mismatched somehow. I rescanned the Voda already then the file was correctly shown again.

MrBrax commented 1 year ago

hmm very odd indeed since really the only thing that happens after the vod creation is that it is added to the channel, maybe it accidentally used a name that already existed or something