MrBrax / LiveStreamDVR

An automatic livestream recorder
MIT License
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{game_name} not resolving for vod filename or folder #470

Open olig89 opened 8 months ago

olig89 commented 8 months ago

Files and folders are being created with everything resolving apart form {game_name}.

This is occurring both for vod downloads (from the menu), and post-stream downloads (triggered automatically) - both occasions where game/category data should be available.

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

video info fetched from the twitch api unfortunately do not have game/chapter information attached

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

some rather unorthodox ways of getting this info has now been implemented onto the dev branch

olig89 commented 8 months ago

Cool! Look forward to testing it, will have to sub to some randoms as my main (usecase) streamer is offline for a bit.

olig89 commented 8 months ago

Looks like your wizardry works! I'm getting the game name resolved for both file and folder fields now.

My next issue is with using that field to create a subfolder but that's a separate problem, so I'll create a different issue to keep this one tidy.

olig89 commented 8 months ago

Looks like this has reverted back to not resolving (on develop branch)

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

yes there's a new config option about enabling gql under twitch, it is an unsupported and non encouraged feature. use at your own risk

olig89 commented 8 months ago

Quite a weird one, on latest dev build I have Cities: Skylines II behaving in a way i've not seen anything do before.

For other games it's fine but for this one it will show as this in putty: image

but from windows, like this: image

I wouldn't care but because It's a weird set of characters, LivestreamDVR then makes a new folder for each new video (with similarly random string).

Within that folder there are the season folders, and files, as expected - only this game folder that's misbehaving

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

classic case of smb not being able to handle weird filenames yes

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

newest dev version should hopefully fix this now, but it also includes some major breaking changes that might wipe vod json files, not sure yet. make backups.