MrBrax / LiveStreamDVR

An automatic livestream recorder
MIT License
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Chat timestamp not showing correctly #471

Open fvzcyrobg opened 8 months ago

fvzcyrobg commented 8 months ago

Whenever i load a captures VOD and Chat, the entire chat shows up at the same time, the timestamp shows the current day of the month with a T added at the end. In my chatdumps it shows the timestamps like this: "2023-10-30T00:21:40.744Z" The bold part it wat shows up as timestamp in the chat. I am running LiveStreamDVR in docker, i also tried the player on but it does the same thing. (Also tried the xqc's chatdump from the same website, but it also just shows the current day and shows the entire chatdump at the same time)


fvzcyrobg commented 8 months ago

btw i havent tried rendering/burning yet because i keep getting the notification "Chat render error: Chat couldn't be rendered" Not sure if that is related

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

alright good that this is confirmed because i noticed it getting stuck too

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

could you check a .chatdump file that has this error if the content_offset_seconds field is null or some weird value? when testing it locally it works but on my server it's null

fvzcyrobg commented 8 months ago

Sorry for my late responds but yes its null "content_offset_seconds":null

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

i'll have to make some more testing then

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

pushed an update to dev that might fix this, but not sure yet

MrBrax commented 8 months ago

i've done some more testing and fixed some other issues with the dumper specifically, but still not sure about the offset. i'm gonna see if more captures fail like this