MrBuddyCasino / ESP32_MP3_Decoder

A internet radio and bluetooth speaker project for the Espressif ESP32
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Need help about MP3 decode #24

Closed z43740979 closed 6 years ago

z43740979 commented 7 years ago

Sir I can not run your demo ERROR:/ESP32_MP3_Decoder/components/playlist/./playlist.c:19:17: fatal error: ini.h: No such file or directory And I want decode MP3 file in SD card but the stack overflow ,I'd appreciate for your help Here is part of my code : static enum mad_flow input(void data, struct mad_stream stream) { printf("input data \n"); mp3_file mp3fp; int ret_code; int unproc_data_size; /the unprocessed data's size/ int copy_size; mp3fp = (mp3_file )data; if(mp3fp->fpos < mp3fp->flen){ unproc_data_size = stream->bufend - stream->next_frame; memcpy(mp3fp->fbuf, mp3fp->fbuf + mp3fp->fbsize - unproc_data_size, unproc_data_size); copy_size = BUFSIZE - unproc_data_size; if(mp3fp->fpos + copy_size > mp3fp->flen){ copy_size = mp3fp->flen - mp3fp->fpos; } printf("copy_size=%d \n",copy_size); fread(mp3fp->fbuf+unproc_data_size, 1, copy_size, mp3fp->fp); mp3fp->fbsize = unproc_data_size + copy_size; mp3fp->fpos += copy_size; mad_stream_buffer(stream, mp3fp->fbuf, mp3fp->fbsize); ret_code = MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE; }else{ ret_code = MAD_FLOW_STOP; } return (mad_flow)ret_code; }

static int decode(mp3_file mp3fp) { struct mad_decoder decoder; int result; / configure input, output, and error functions / mad_decoder_init(&decoder, mp3fp, input, 0 / header /, 0 / filter /, output, error, 0 / message */);

/* start decoding */
result = mad_decoder_run(&decoder, MAD_DECODER_MODE_SYNC);

/* release the decoder */

return result;


MrBuddyCasino commented 7 years ago

Did you do a git submodule init && git submodule update?

z43740979 commented 7 years ago

mad_decoder: Buffer underflow, need 2530 bytes. Is that means Not enough storage ?

MrBuddyCasino commented 7 years ago

No, it means the data did not come in fast enough to sustain real-time audio playback. It happens sometimes. Try to improve your wifi connection, or try a different streaming URL.