MrBuddyCasino / ESP32_MP3_Decoder

A internet radio and bluetooth speaker project for the Espressif ESP32
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Only getting white noise #38

Closed physiii closed 6 years ago

physiii commented 6 years ago

I can connect but when I start streaming the speaker just makes white noise as if I'm just playing a blank audio file. Tried on both android and iphone with same result.

I am using WROOM32 with an I2S speaker. I've had it working before but I'm on a different computer and won't be back to that one for a couple days.

Any idea what is going on?

I (548) bt_speaker: starting "ESP_SPEAKER" E (15728) BT: btm_sec_conn_req

E (15808) BT: btm_sec_connected

E (18758) BT: for SMP over BR max_key_size: 0x10, local_i_key: 0x07, local_r_key: 0x07

E (19028) BT: bta_av_rc_create ACP handle exist for shdl:0 I (19028) BT_APP_CORE: bt_app_task_handler, sig 0x1, 0x0 I (19028) BT_AV: a2dp conn_state_cb, state 1 E (21028) BT: bta_av_link_role_ok hndl:x41 role:1 conn_audio:x0 bits:2 features:x824b

I (22708) BT_APP_CORE: bt_app_task_handler, sig 0x1, 0x2 I (22718) BT_AV: a2dp audio_cfg_cb , codec type 0 I (22718) BT_AV: audio player configured E (22738) BT: process_service_search_attr_rsp

E (27718) BT: bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:0 I (27718) BT_APP_CORE: bt_app_task_handler, sig 0x1, 0x0 I (27718) BT_AV: a2dp conn_state_cb, state 2 E (32338) BT: process_service_search_attr_rsp

E (32358) BT: bta_av_rc_opened allow incoming AVRCP connections:1 E (32358) BT: bta_av_rc_opened rcb[1] shdl:1 lidx:1/0 I (32368) BT_APP_CORE: bt_app_task_handler, sig 0x1, 0x0 I (32368) BT_AV: avrc conn_state evt: state 1, feature 0x4b, [ac:cf:85:2a:7f:18] E (35418) BT: bta_av_proc_stream_evt: p_data is null E (35418) BT: bta_av_link_role_ok hndl:x41 role:1 conn_audio:x1 bits:1 features:x824b

E (35428) BT: bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:0 E (35428) BT: bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:7 E (35438) BT: BTA_AV_START_EVT status 0, suspending 0, init 0

I (35438) BT_APP_CORE: bt_app_task_handler, sig 0x1, 0x1 I (35448) BT_AV: a2dp audio_state_cb state 2 E (37788) BT_AV: audio data pkt cnt 100 E (39788) BT_AV: audio data pkt cnt 200 E (41788) BT_AV: audio data pkt cnt 300 E (43788) BT_AV: audio data pkt cnt 400 E (45788) BT_AV: audio data pkt cnt 500 E (47788) BT_AV: audio data pkt cnt 600 E (49788) BT_AV: audio data pkt cnt 700 E (51788) BT_AV: audio data pkt cnt 800 E (53788) BT_AV: audio data pkt cnt 900 E (55588) BT: bta_av_proc_stream_evt: p_data is null E (55588) BT: bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:6 E (55588) BT: BTA_AV_SUSPEND_EVT status 0, init 0

I (55588) BT_APP_CORE: bt_app_task_handler, sig 0x1, 0x1 I (55598) BT_AV: a2dp audio_state_cb state 0

MrBuddyCasino commented 6 years ago

No idea, I2S should work on all platforms. Best bet is to check with a scope or something.