MrBuddyCasino / ESP32_MP3_Decoder

A internet radio and bluetooth speaker project for the Espressif ESP32
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How to change the pin #39

Closed LilyGO closed 6 years ago

LilyGO commented 6 years ago

Sir, hello. Because my pin is not a lot, my GPIO 22 used other functions, so DATA can not be connected. I really wanted to implement Bluetooth music, but I did not find a way to change the pin's code. I hope to get your help, thank you very much. Wish you a Happy New Year!

tonyp7 commented 6 years ago

No offense but this is not an issue and this is really lazy... Just search for GPIO_NUM_22 in the repository

.... Boom just right there.

MrBuddyCasino commented 6 years ago

Thanks Tony!