MrBuddyCasino / ESP32_MP3_Decoder

A internet radio and bluetooth speaker project for the Espressif ESP32
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icy-meta-parser show StreamTitles - without decoder-errors #45

Closed unkown12345 closed 6 years ago

unkown12345 commented 6 years ago

How to use: -if no icy-metadata available we recieve only Streamtitle=''; -If you get many errors "...bad data pointer..." ,"...sync-error..." my parser is out of sync and needs reset. This was the main-Problem with icy-metadatas the parser should solve.

If the conection is not stable may be its better switch off the parser, when you change lines 80 / 82 in http.c

-recommend fetch icy-metadata in app_main.c to work with icymeta_text[] see example

My config: ESP32 4MB, no external RAM ,

MrBuddyCasino commented 6 years ago

Haven't looked at the PRs in ages, sorry for that! It looks like you spent a lot of effort on this, so thanks for the contribution. Yet I cannot merge this as it is - the parser is quite hard to understand and maintain by someone else.

hex007 commented 5 years ago

@unkown12345 Thanks for taking the initiative. I want this feature as well, so will try to spend some time on it.