MrCheeze / extdata_dump

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Restoration issue #3

Open QR65535VR opened 4 years ago

QR65535VR commented 4 years ago

I was looking up some tools for editing my Mii. When I saw this tool, I decrypted and dumped all my extdata. I go to 3ds/extdata_dump/dumps/f000000b/CFL_DB.dat and used a tool to edit my Mii. I went back to the dumping tool and clicked "Restore extdata specified in config" this option always fails and goes to "Could not open archive" "Could not open archive"

After this, it falls back to the main menu. It doesn't freeze. Could you update or examine your project , please? I'm aware 3DS modding is old. But, it would be nice to have it removed if it doesn't work or have it updated so consumers/users don't download tools that don't work. Because this tool accesses NAND data, it could destroy people's consoles. Please remove or update your homebrew.

minecaftakiva commented 10 months ago

Hi!!! I am facing a similar issue to what you were having in 2020, except that I can tell you that the way you were looking at this is wrong. Running "Restore extdata specified in config" from the precompiled download does not give you the ability to modify the config.txt, so it attempts to "replace the Play Coin file with an example one containing 13 coins" and "replace the Mii Maker banner image with the Face Raiders banner image (assuming you dumped it already)" according to the config.txt file.

I believe what we need to do is download the uncompiled download, change the config.txt to RESTORE "f000000b:/CFL_DB.dat" "f000000b:/CFL_DB.dat", and then compile using make. When I try to do this though, many errors appear and the files are not compiled. :/

WinterMute commented 7 months ago

I believe what we need to do is download the uncompiled download, change the config.txt to RESTORE "f000000b:/CFL_DB.dat" "f000000b:/CFL_DB.dat", and then compile using make. When I try to do this though, many errors appear and the files are not compiled. :/

You don't need to recompile the binary to change config.txt. Just change config.txt & the precompiled binary will do what it's asked.

minecaftakiva commented 7 months ago

You don't need to recompile the binary to change config.txt. Just change config.txt & the precompiled binary will do what it's asked.

how do you access config.txt without using the source code?

WinterMute commented 7 months ago

You don't need to recompile the binary to change config.txt. Just change config.txt & the precompiled binary will do what it's asked.

how do you access config.txt without using the source code?

The app reads it from the SD card ...

Just copy config.txt to the same place as the .3dsx & edit it.