Without employing any complicated resubmitting functionality + nonce handling + gas calculations, the fee users need to pay for a given cheque should only be fixed, and given by a server side calculation. The price will be delivered to the front end by a call to an api function, getPermitAndChequeFee() or getChequeFee() (depending on whether the user has already permitted the dach or not). The result of this call would be inserted into the fee box in the front end.
Without employing any complicated resubmitting functionality + nonce handling + gas calculations, the
users need to pay for a given cheque should only be fixed, and given by a server side calculation. The price will be delivered to the front end by a call to an api function,getPermitAndChequeFee()
(depending on whether the user has already permitted the dach or not). The result of this call would be inserted into thefee
box in the front end.Similarly, for