MrChromebox / firmware

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Asus Chromebox 3 wake-on-ac #324

Open jbms opened 2 years ago

jbms commented 2 years ago

Any idea whether it would be feasible to support this option?


MrChromebox commented 2 years ago

not easily, would require custom EC firmware and wouldn't be easily enabled/disabled, so would have to be a custom firmware build as well

Sevenanths commented 1 month ago

I would like to use the Asus Chromebox 3 inside a custom arcade cabinet, so it ideally powers on when power is connected. I'm OK with a custom firmware build (the device's only purpose is to be in the arcade cabinet), but I'm not sure where to look. All help is appreciated.

Also, many thanks for your hard work keeping these computers away from the e-waste pile.