MrChromebox / firmware

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Installed (UEFI) Full ROM on my Lenovo C340-11 but rebooting just leads to a black screen #607

Closed Hexseas closed 2 months ago

Hexseas commented 2 months ago

Searched a bit around for how to fix this but am left confused. Seems A Suzy Qable is the closest thing to a solution. But I would rather have another method to fix my problem. It doesn’t recognise the device I used to install the thingo earlier in the process. And the local and verified image selections just lead to a black screen. So any solutions?

MrChromebox commented 2 months ago

I don't understand the problem

Seems A Suzy Qable is the closest thing to a solution. But I would rather have another method to fix my problem.


It doesn’t recognise the device I used to install the thingo earlier in the process

what is "it"? thingo?

And the local and verified image selections just lead to a black screen

those are options when doing what?

Hexseas commented 2 months ago

Boot splash screen appears then it goes to a black screen. Clicking esc during the 2 second window it appears gives me the boot screen option. I tried different options but to no avail. Just a black screen.

MrChromebox commented 2 months ago

"I tried different options" doesn't tell me anything. You flashed the UEFI firmware, so you need to install a UEFI-bootable OS from USB. Have you done that?

Hexseas commented 2 months ago

So I am supposed to install UEFI-bootable on a usb? I enabled secure boot, then rebooted which results in me ending up in the UEFI shell. The usb I had connected has a file called stock-firmware-phasor360-(numbers).rom

Hexseas commented 2 months ago

I basically followed this video ( until 13:23 but i got a black screen. Stock firmware? No, I installed the UEFI full rom, I don’t think I’m trying to get into chromeos. I just need to figure out why it’s doenst let me and just gives me a black screen.

MrChromebox commented 2 months ago

I just need to figure out why it’s doenst let me and just gives me a black screen.

if you can't communicate what you've done, what you're trying to do, and what the device is doing, then we can't help you.

Hexseas commented 2 months ago

My problem is similar to the closed #586 but I don’t have any os installed locally. And I ran the ChromeOS Firmware Utility Script, with wp disabled, selected menu option 2. Now it boots up to a black screen. Literally all I did. As I said before the usb has a file called stock-firmware-phasor360-(numbers).rom. And if none of this is helpful, please enlighten me on details that can help you understand my issue and help me fix it, instead I saying we can’t help you.

Hexseas commented 2 months ago

I will try what you said initially but yea any way of booting I am aware of (just powering it on, default boot, reboot) results in a black screen. I always come to this one menu (image attached) 372E00D1-06E3-45E4-B37E-C1513AE63068 which all lead to a black screen regardless of choice.

Hexseas commented 2 months ago

Thanks for pointing that out and helping me. Any suggestions for an os?

MrChromebox commented 2 months ago

I pushed a fix to the script that will prevent the ChromeOS remnants from being booted after flashing the UEFI firmware