MrChromebox / scripts

Scripts for setup/install/firmware update for ChromeOS devices
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Chromebook Pixel 2 (Samus): Firmware update script won't run and complains flashrom can't be downloaded, yet flashrom is already installed #182

Closed winteriscariot closed 2 years ago

winteriscariot commented 2 years ago
[root@samus ~]# chmod +x 
[root@samus ~]# ./ 

Downloading supporting files...
Error downloading flashrom; cannot proceed.

Unable to download flashrom utility; cannot continue

[root@samus ~]# which flashrom
[root@samus ~]# 

not sure what to do here without going in and chopping up the script in order to make it pass checks that it should be passing.

winteriscariot commented 2 years ago

Arch Linux installed currently, dug out my Samus in order to fiddle with it, trying to update to the latest firmware using the latest script downloaded from, and the above error is the result

winteriscariot commented 2 years ago

user error, closing