MrDys / blacklight

Blacklight Plugin
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rails generate blacklight fails when solr.yml already exists in tree #513

Closed MrDys closed 12 years ago

MrDys commented 12 years ago

CODEBASE-328: error when running rails generate:

rails generate blacklight --devise .rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p334@newarrivals_bl3/gems/blacklight-3.0.0pre3/lib/blacklight.rb:44:in `init': uninitialized constant Blacklight::SolrDocument (NameError)

dfunk: cbeer: in the lib/blcklight/engine.rb - we check for a solr config file - if it exists, then we assume blacklight is installed and configured and we attept to initialize blacklight - cbeer: dfunk: ah, yes. why not check for SolrDocument instead? cbeer: and let Blacklight.init raise an exception if there is no solrfile? dfunk: it would be great if the installation process could some how suppress innitialization directy. rather than just checking for the absense of a fil

MrDys commented 12 years ago

Original reporter: tastyhat