MrDys / blacklight

Blacklight Plugin
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Move document partials out of the subdirectories #525

Closed MrDys closed 12 years ago

MrDys commented 12 years ago

CODEBASE-344: In preparation for Rails 3.1, we should move the document partials from catalog/_index_partials and catalog/_show_partials to the ./app/views/catalog directory.

With Rails 3.1, views can be inherited by subclassed controllers, but if the partial name as an embedded slash, the partial is relative to ./app/views instead.

MrDys commented 12 years ago

Original reporter: cbeer

MrDys commented 12 years ago

cbeer: It's something, at least.

MrDys commented 12 years ago

jrochkind: this problem is effecting me major, we need to solve it one way or another.

On last conf call, we looked at someone (Matt Mitchel's) suggestions for changing the BL default template lookup, and the suggestion would as a side effect have fixed this problem too, as it got rid of the subdirs too. Sorry, I don't have the URL now.

MrDys commented 12 years ago

cbeer: Matt Zumwalt at . There has been some discussion on blacklight-development that I won't repeat here yet.