MrDys / blacklight

Blacklight Plugin
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Blacklight should suppress spellcheck suggestions with the same number of results as the current query #558

Open MrDys opened 12 years ago

MrDys commented 12 years ago

CODEBASE-387: This feature is newly commented out with Blacklight 3.2/Solr 3.x:

can't get this to work with solr 3.4

(something to do with the stemming for search fields vs dictionary fields)

rsolr-ext doesn't expose enough of the solr return to filter within Blacklight either

Scenario: Same number of results as spelling suggestion

Given I am on the home page

den gives 1 result in 30 record demo index - suggestion don is 1 result also

And I fill in "q" with "den"

And I press "search"

Then I should not see "Did you mean"

MrDys commented 12 years ago

Original reporter: cbeer