MrFantiVideo / MineGate

Add lots of blocks and new variations. (Minecraft)
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Some way to generate Tile. #3

Closed campbebj closed 3 years ago

campbebj commented 3 years ago

Previously we could get tile by cooking blackstone, now we dont have any way except mining the new ore. Im playing skyblock so i dont have any ore and everything i do is farmed. id love some way to get tile again by cooking something, perhaps cooking blackstone again, where blackstone cooked generates single tiles (similar to how netherrack cooked generates netherbricks?)

MrFantiVideo commented 3 years ago

I don't remember modifying any crafts related to minerals, but I note the idea for the future.

MrFantiVideo commented 3 years ago

It is now possible with version 1.1.5 to have tiles without having the ores. If you put a block of deepslate tiles in a stonecutter, it will give you the option of having 4 tiles.

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