MrKepzie / Natron

Open-source compositing software. Node-graph based. Similar in functionalities to Adobe After Effects and Nuke by The Foundry.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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FFmpeg Reader failed to decode frame: End of file #1701

Closed lihp1603 closed 6 years ago

lihp1603 commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone.

In the window environment, I used natron to do a project, and the rendered video was perfect, even though I used the background rendering natronrender. When I copy the project to my vmware ubuntu environment, background try a bit of rendering, no problem. So I will copy the project to my remote server, I use the background mode Natronrender rendering project, there will be Persistent message: FFmpeg Reader failed to decode frame: End of file Of the information, so the video will be rendered out of the problem of frame skipping. But my remote server natronrender from my vmware ubuntu copy up, they are the same, there is such a problem, I find it very strange, what is the possible reason?

Natron version 2.3.2, 2.3.3 appeared later, I conducted an update and found that there is still this problem? how to solve this problem?

======================================================= the log: root@5783ebb945ba:/work/template/test_dev/template/jingtou/022-3s-lhp_test# /work/tool/Natron-2.3.3-Linux-x86_64bit/bin/NatronRenderer -b 022-3s.ntp Error while loading OpenGL: X11: Failed to open display OpenGL rendering is disabled. Restoring the image cache... Loading plugin cache... OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Shadertoy v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgSmooth v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgSharpenShock v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgSharpenInvDiff v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgRollingGuidance v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgPlasma v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgNoise v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgMedian v2.0 OpenFX: loading eu.cimg.Inpaint v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgHistEQ v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgGuided v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgExpression v2.1 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgErodeSmooth v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgErode v2.1 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgEqualize v2.0 OpenFX: loading eu.cimg.Distance v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgDilate v2.1 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgDenoise v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgBlur v3.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgLaplacian v3.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgChromaBlur v3.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgBloom v3.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgBlur v4.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgLaplacian v4.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgChromaBlur v4.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgBloom v4.0 OpenFX: loading eu.cimg.ErodeBlur v4.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgSharpen v4.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgSoften v4.0 OpenFX: loading eu.cimg.EdgeExtend v4.0 OpenFX: loading eu.cimg.EdgeDetect v4.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgBilateral v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.cimg.CImgBilateralGuided v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Text v5.7 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.ReadMisc v1.1 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Modulate v1.2 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.ReadPSD v2.7 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Oilpaint v2.1 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Charcoal v2.2 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Implode v2.3 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Swirl v2.9 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Wave v2.9 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Roll v2.9 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Polar v4.3 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Arc v4.2 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Reflection v3.2 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Tile v3.2 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Texture v3.7 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Edges v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Polaroid v1.4 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Sketch v2.2 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.ReadPDF v1.4 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.OpenRaster v2.1 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.ReadKrita v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.ReadSVG v3.2 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.ReadCDR v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.fxarena.openfx.Text v6.9 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.VectorToColorPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.TransformPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.TransformMaskedPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.DirBlur v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.TrackerPM v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.timeOffset v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.TimeDissolvePlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.NoTimeBlurPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.TimeBlur v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.switchPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.SpriteSheet v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.SlitScan v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.sideBySidePlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ShufflePlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.SaturationPlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RotoPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Retime v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Reformat v1.1 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Rectangle v2.1 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Noise v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Ramp v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Radial v2.1 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Quantize v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Premult v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Unpremult v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Position v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.PLogLin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.PIK v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.oneViewPlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.NoOpPlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MultiplyPlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.mixViewsPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Mirror v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergePlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergePlus v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergeMatte v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergeMultiply v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergeIn v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergeOut v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergeScreen v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergeMax v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergeMin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergeDifference v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MergeRoto v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.MatteMonitorPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Log2Lin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.LayerContactSheetOFX v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.KeyMix v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.KeyerPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.joinViewsPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Invert v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ImageStatistics v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.IDistort v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.STMap v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.LensDistortion v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.LensDistortion v3.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.LensDistortion v4.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.HueCorrect v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.HueKeyer v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.HSVToolPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.GradePlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.GodRays v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.GammaPlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.FrameRange v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.FrameHold v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.FrameBlend v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.DissolvePlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.DifferencePlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Despill v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.DenoiseSharpen v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Deinterlace v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.CropPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.CornerPinPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.CornerPinMaskedPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.CopyRectanglePlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ContactSheetOFX v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ConstantPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Solid v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ColorWheel v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGBToHSV v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.HSVToRGB v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGBToHSL v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.HSLToRGB v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGBToHSI v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.HSIToRGB v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGBToYCbCr601 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.YCbCrToRGB601 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGBToYPbPr601 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.YPbPrToRGB601 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGB709ToXYZ v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.XYZToRGB709 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGB709ToLab v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.LabToRGB709 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGBToYPbPr709 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.YPbPrToRGB709 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGBToYCbCr709 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.YCbCrToRGB709 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGBToYUV601 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.YUVToRGB601 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.RGBToYUV709 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.YUVToRGB709 v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.XYZToLab v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.LabToXYZ v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.XYZToxyY v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.xyYToXYZ v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ColorSuppress v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ColorMatrixPlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ColorLookupPlugin v1.1 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ColorCorrectPlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ColorBars v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ClipTestPlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Clamp v2.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.ChromaKeyerPlugin v1.1 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.CheckerBoardPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.Card3D v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.AppendClip v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.anaglyphPlugin v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.AdjustRoDPlugin v1.1 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.AddPlugin v2.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.RunScript v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.OCIOLookTransform v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.OCIOLogConvert v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.OCIOFileTransform v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.OCIOCDLTransform v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.OCIODisplay v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.OCIOColorSpace v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.WritePNG v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.ReadPNG v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.WritePFM v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.ReadPFM v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.OIIOResize v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.OIIOText v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.WriteOIIO v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.ReadOIIO v2.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.WriteFFmpeg v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.ReadFFmpeg v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.WriteEXR v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.ReadEXR v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.SeNoise v1.0 OpenFX: loading net.sf.openfx.SeGrain v1.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.SeExpr v2.0 OpenFX: loading fr.inria.openfx.SeExprSimple v2.0 Info: script not loaded (this is not an error) Loading PyPlugs... Loading project: /work/template/test_dev/template/jingtou/022-3s-lhp_test/022-3s.ntp [h264 @ 0x4b13a00] Application has requested 32 threads. Using a thread count greater than 16 is not recommended. [h264 @ 0x4abaf60] Application has requested 32 threads. Using a thread count greater than 16 is not recommended. _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Rendering started _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 0, Progress: 1.3%, 1.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 39 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 1, Progress: 2.6%, 2.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 32 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 2, Progress: 3.9%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 22 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 3, Progress: 5.3%, 2.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 26 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 4, Progress: 6.6%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 21 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 5, Progress: 7.9%, 3.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 18 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 6, Progress: 9.2%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 15 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 7, Progress: 10.5%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 16 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 8, Progress: 11.8%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 15 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 9, Progress: 13.2%, 4.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 13 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 10, Progress: 14.5%, 4.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 14 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 11, Progress: 15.8%, 4.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 13 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 12, Progress: 17.1%, 5.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 12 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 13, Progress: 18.4%, 5.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 14, Progress: 19.7%, 5.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 15, Progress: 21.1%, 5.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 16, Progress: 22.4%, 4.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 12 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 17, Progress: 23.7%, 5.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 18, Progress: 25.0%, 5.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 19, Progress: 26.3%, 5.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 20, Progress: 27.6%, 5.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 21, Progress: 28.9%, 5.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 22, Progress: 30.3%, 5.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 23, Progress: 31.6%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 15 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 24, Progress: 32.9%, 3.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 14 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 25, Progress: 34.2%, 3.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 14 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 26, Progress: 35.5%, 3.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 14 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 27, Progress: 36.8%, 3.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 13 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 28, Progress: 38.2%, 3.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 12 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 29, Progress: 39.5%, 3.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 12 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 30, Progress: 40.8%, 3.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 31, Progress: 42.1%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 32, Progress: 43.4%, 4.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 33, Progress: 44.7%, 4.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 34, Progress: 46.1%, 4.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 35, Progress: 47.4%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 36, Progress: 48.7%, 4.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 8 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 37, Progress: 50.0%, 4.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 8 seconds Persistent message: FFmpeg Reader failed to decode frame: End of file _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 38, Progress: 51.3%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 39, Progress: 52.6%, 3.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 40, Progress: 53.9%, 3.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 41, Progress: 55.3%, 3.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 42, Progress: 56.6%, 3.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 43, Progress: 57.9%, 3.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 8 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 44, Progress: 59.2%, 3.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 8 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 45, Progress: 60.5%, 3.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 7 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 46, Progress: 61.8%, 3.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 7 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 47, Progress: 63.2%, 3.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 7 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 48, Progress: 64.5%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 49, Progress: 65.8%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 50, Progress: 67.1%, 3.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 51, Progress: 68.4%, 3.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 52, Progress: 69.7%, 3.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 53, Progress: 71.1%, 3.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 5 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 54, Progress: 72.4%, 3.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 5 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 55, Progress: 73.7%, 3.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 5 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 56, Progress: 75.0%, 3.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 4 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 57, Progress: 76.3%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 4 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 58, Progress: 77.6%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 4 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 59, Progress: 78.9%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 4 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 60, Progress: 80.3%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 3 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 61, Progress: 81.6%, 4.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 3 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 62, Progress: 82.9%, 4.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 3 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 63, Progress: 84.2%, 4.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 2 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 64, Progress: 85.5%, 4.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 2 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 65, Progress: 86.8%, 4.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 2 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 66, Progress: 88.2%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 2 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 67, Progress: 89.5%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 1 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 68, Progress: 90.8%, 4.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 1 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 69, Progress: 92.1%, 4.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 1 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 70, Progress: 93.4%, 4.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 1 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 71, Progress: 94.7%, 4.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 72, Progress: 96.1%, 4.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 73, Progress: 97.4%, 4.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 74, Progress: 98.7%, 4.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 75, Progress: 100.0%, 4.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Rendering finished root@5783ebb945ba:/work/template/test_dev/template/jingtou/022-3s-lhp_test#

the project url:

lihp1603 commented 6 years ago

Each rendering fails to decode the frame of the place is different:

root@5783ebb945ba:/work/template/test_dev/template/jingtou/022-3s-lhp_test# /work/tool/Natron-2.3.3-Linux-x86_64bit/bin/NatronRenderer -b 022-3s.ntp Error while loading OpenGL: X11: Failed to open display OpenGL rendering is disabled. Restoring the image cache... Loading plugin cache... Info: script not loaded (this is not an error) Loading PyPlugs... Loading project: /work/template/test_dev/template/jingtou/022-3s-lhp_test/022-3s.ntp [h264 @ 0x50ecae0] Application has requested 32 threads. Using a thread count greater than 16 is not recommended. [h264 @ 0x508ad60] Application has requested 32 threads. Using a thread count greater than 16 is not recommended. _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Rendering started _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 0, Progress: 1.3%, 2.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 37 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 1, Progress: 2.6%, 2.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 31 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 2, Progress: 3.9%, 3.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 21 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 3, Progress: 5.3%, 2.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 24 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 4, Progress: 6.6%, 3.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 20 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 5, Progress: 7.9%, 4.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 16 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 6, Progress: 9.2%, 4.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 14 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 7, Progress: 10.5%, 4.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 16 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 8, Progress: 11.8%, 4.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 14 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 9, Progress: 13.2%, 3.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 17 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 10, Progress: 14.5%, 4.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 15 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 11, Progress: 15.8%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 14 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 12, Progress: 17.1%, 4.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 13 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 13, Progress: 18.4%, 4.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 13 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 14, Progress: 19.7%, 4.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 12 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 15, Progress: 21.1%, 5.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 16, Progress: 22.4%, 5.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 17, Progress: 23.7%, 4.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 18, Progress: 25.0%, 5.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 19, Progress: 26.3%, 5.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 20, Progress: 27.6%, 3.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 18 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 21, Progress: 28.9%, 3.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 17 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 22, Progress: 30.3%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 16 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 23, Progress: 31.6%, 3.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 15 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 24, Progress: 32.9%, 3.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 14 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 25, Progress: 34.2%, 3.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 13 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 26, Progress: 35.5%, 3.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 13 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 27, Progress: 36.8%, 3.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 12 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 28, Progress: 38.2%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 29, Progress: 39.5%, 4.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 30, Progress: 40.8%, 4.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 31, Progress: 42.1%, 4.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 10 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 32, Progress: 43.4%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 33, Progress: 44.7%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 34, Progress: 46.1%, 4.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 36, Progress: 47.4%, 4.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 8 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 35, Progress: 48.7%, 4.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 8 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 37, Progress: 50.0%, 4.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 8 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 38, Progress: 51.3%, 4.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 7 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 39, Progress: 52.6%, 4.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 7 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 40, Progress: 53.9%, 5.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 41, Progress: 55.3%, 5.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 42, Progress: 56.6%, 5.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds Persistent message: FFmpeg Reader failed to decode frame: End of file _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 43, Progress: 57.9%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 44, Progress: 59.2%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 45, Progress: 60.5%, 3.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 46, Progress: 61.8%, 3.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 9 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 47, Progress: 63.2%, 3.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 8 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 48, Progress: 64.5%, 3.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 8 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 49, Progress: 65.8%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 7 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 50, Progress: 67.1%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 7 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 51, Progress: 68.4%, 3.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 7 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 52, Progress: 69.7%, 3.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 53, Progress: 71.1%, 3.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 54, Progress: 72.4%, 3.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 6 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 55, Progress: 73.7%, 3.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 5 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 56, Progress: 75.0%, 3.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 5 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 57, Progress: 76.3%, 3.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 4 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 58, Progress: 77.6%, 3.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 4 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 59, Progress: 78.9%, 3.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 4 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 60, Progress: 80.3%, 3.8 Fps, Time Remaining: 3 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 61, Progress: 81.6%, 3.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 3 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 62, Progress: 82.9%, 3.9 Fps, Time Remaining: 3 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 63, Progress: 84.2%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 3 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 65, Progress: 85.5%, 4.0 Fps, Time Remaining: 2 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 64, Progress: 86.8%, 4.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 2 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 66, Progress: 88.2%, 4.1 Fps, Time Remaining: 2 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 67, Progress: 89.5%, 4.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 1 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 68, Progress: 90.8%, 4.2 Fps, Time Remaining: 1 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 69, Progress: 92.1%, 4.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 1 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 70, Progress: 93.4%, 4.3 Fps, Time Remaining: 1 seconds _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 71, Progress: 94.7%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 72, Progress: 96.1%, 4.4 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 73, Progress: 97.4%, 4.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 74, Progress: 98.7%, 4.5 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Frame: 75, Progress: 100.0%, 4.6 Fps, Time Remaining: 0 second _WRITE_USR_VIDEO_PRODUCT_001 ==> Rendering finished root@5783ebb945ba:/work/template/test_dev/template/jingtou/022-3s-lhp_test#

ThomasMorley-T3D commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem on 2.3.7 and 2.3.8. Ubuntu 17.10 OS

devernay commented 6 years ago

This issue was moved to NatronGitHub/Natron#231